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Collembola succession on deposits from a chemical factory

  1. 1.
    0105461 - UPB-H 20043066 RIV DE eng J - Článek v odborném periodiku
    Rusek, Josef
    Collembola succession on deposits from a chemical factory.
    [Sukcese Collembola na výsypkách bývalé chemické továrny.]
    Pedobiologia. Roč. 48, 5-6 (2004), s. 519-525. ISSN 0031-4056. E-ISSN 1873-1511
    Grant CEP: GA AV ČR IAA6066201
    Klíčová slova: Collembola * primary succession * deposits of chemical factory
    Kód oboru RIV: EH - Ekologie - společenstva
    Impakt faktor: 0.500, rok: 2004

    Primary succession of collembolan communities was studied on deposits of a former factory producing nitric, sulphuric, and muratic acids and soda at Petrovice u Karviné, NE Moravia, Czech Republic, in 1978-1979. Chemically loaded deposits were 15, 25 and 60 years old in 1979 and a primary succession without plant re-cultivation took place there. The succession was delayed on small humps and slopes where the deposited substrate was covered by terrestrial algae, lichens and mosses. A total of 4871 specimens of Collembola containing 78 species from 23 sampling sites were evaluated. The quantitative species data were analysed using TWINSPAN and CANOCO programs. Coenotic similarity was determined with a polythetic classification produced by two-way indicator species analysis performed for log (n+1) transformed quantitative data. Collembolan communities were composed of 3-23 species in densities from 1300 to 80,700 ind.m2. Lower species number (3-9) in low densities and low diversity occurred on sites with the initial stages of succession covered with algae, lichens and mosses. Collembolan species typical of early succession included Mesaphorura atlantica, Hypogastrura assimilis, Schoettella ununguiculata and Doutnacia xerophila. The succession on two different deposit substrates converged in more advanced stages to a collembolan community including Mesaphorura hylophila, Pariosotoma notabilis , Lepidocyrtus lanuginosus, Folsomia quadrioculata and F. lawrencei as typical species. Species such as Isotomiella minor, Megalothorax minimus and Friesea mirabilis entered the succesion only in the most advanced stage of the 60 years old deposit. The absence of F. mirabilis was probably connected with the missing aquatic soil microfauna (Nematoda, Tardigrada, Rotatoria) in the chemically unfavourable substrates of the less advanced succession stages.

    Na 15, 25 a 60 let starých haldách bývalé chemické továrny na výrobu kyseliny dusičné, sírové a solné a sody v Petrovicích u Karviné byla studována primární sukcese společenstev Collembola. Sukcese byla brzděná na mírných svazích, kde byl substrát pokryt půdními řasami, lišejníky a mechy. Byl vyhodnocen materiál 4 871 jedinců Collembola, obsahující 73 druhů z 23 stanovišť. Společenstva Collembola byla složená ze 3-23 druhů v hustotách 1 300-80 700 jedinců.m2. Menší počet druhů (3-9) v nízkých hustotách byl na stanovištích s počátečními sukcesními stádii. Typickými druhy zde byly Mesaphorura atlantica, Hypogastrura assimilis, Schoettella ununguiculata a Doutnacia xerophila. Počáteční dvě společenstva se v pozdějších fázích sukcese sbližovala do společenstva jediného s charakteristickými druhy Mesaphorura hylophila, Parisotoma notabilis, Lepidocyrtus lanuginosus, Folsomia quadrioculata a F. lawrencei a směřovala ke společenstvu typickému pro klimaxové lipové doubravy v okolí.
    Trvalý link: http://hdl.handle.net/11104/0012704
Počet záznamů: 1  

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