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Influence of processing conditions on the microstructure and sliding wear of a promising Fe-based coating deposited by HVAF

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    SYSNO ASEP0542793
    Document TypeJ - Journal Article
    R&D Document TypeJournal Article
    Subsidiary JČlánek ve WOS
    TitleInfluence of processing conditions on the microstructure and sliding wear of a promising Fe-based coating deposited by HVAF
    Author(s) Mahade, S. (SE)
    Aranke, O. (SE)
    Björklund, S. (SE)
    Dizdar, S. (SE)
    Awe, S. (SE)
    Mušálek, Radek (UFP-V) RID, ORCID
    Lukáč, František (UFP-V) ORCID
    Joshi, S. (SE)
    Number of authors8
    Article number126953
    Source TitleSurface and Coatings Technology. - : Elsevier - ISSN 0257-8972
    Roč. 409, March (2021)
    Number of pages17 s.
    Languageeng - English
    CountryCH - Switzerland
    KeywordsBall-on-disc test ; Friction, wear, FeSP586 ; High velocity air fuel (HVAF) ; High velocity oxy fuel (HVOF)
    Subject RIVJG - Metallurgy
    OECD categoryMaterials engineering
    Method of publishingLimited access
    Institutional supportUFP-V - RVO:61389021
    UT WOS000654045600079
    EID SCOPUS85100486733
    AnnotationThermal spray is a versatile and cost-effective process to deposit wear and corrosion resistant coatings. In this work, a relatively new ‘Fe-based’ chemistry comprising boride and carbides, is explored as a ‘greener’ alternative to the relatively expensive and carcinogenic Co-based coatings to mitigate wear. The emergent thermal spray process of high-velocity air-fuel (HVAF) spraying was chosen to deposit the Fe-based coatings, with the high-velocity oxy-fuel (HVOF) also being employed solely for the purpose of preliminary comparison. Detailed characterization of the HVOF and HVAF sprayed Fe-based coatings was carried out. Microstructure, porosity, hardness and phase analysis results demonstrate the influence of processing conditions, where specific spray conditions yielded minimal undeformed particulates content, high hardness, low porosity and feedstock phase retention. Differences in microstructural features of the as-deposited coatings in relation to their processing conditions are discussed in detail. The coatings were subjected to ball-on-disc tribometry tests at different load conditions and their friction and wear performance were evaluated. The coefficient of friction results of investigated coatings concurred with their respective microstructural features. Post-mortem of the worn coating surface, the mating alumina ball surface and wear debris was performed using SEM/EDS analysis to understand the associated wear mechanisms and material transfer. This work provides new insights on identifying appropriate HVAF processing conditions to achieve acceptable microstructural features and phases in Fe-based coatings for improved wear performance.
    WorkplaceInstitute of Plasma Physics
    ContactVladimíra Kebza,, Tel.: 266 052 975
    Year of Publishing2022
    Electronic address
Number of the records: 1  

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