Number of the records: 1  

Joint interpretation of upper-mantle anisotropy based on teleseismic P-travel time delays and inversion of shear-wave splitting parameters

  1. 1.
    0142971 - GFU-E 960083 RIV NL eng J - Journal Article
    Plomerová, Jaroslava - Šílený, Jan - Babuška, Vladislav
    Joint interpretation of upper-mantle anisotropy based on teleseismic P-travel time delays and inversion of shear-wave splitting parameters.
    Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors. Roč. 95, 3/4 (1996), s. 293-309. ISSN 0031-9201. E-ISSN 1872-7395
    R&D Projects: GA AV ČR IAA312115; GA AV ČR 31225
    Impact factor: 1.872, year: 1996
    Permanent Link:


Number of the records: 1  

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