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Development and Properties of Tungsten-Based Coatings Sprayed by WSP(R)

  1. 1.
    0027644 - ÚFP 2006 RIV DE eng C - Conference Paper (international conference)
    Matějíček, Jiří - Neufuss, Karel - Kolman, D. - Chumak, Oleksiy - Brožek, Vlastimil
    Development and Properties of Tungsten-Based Coatings Sprayed by WSP(R).
    [Vývoj a vlastnosti wolframových nástřiků vyrobených WSP(R).]
    Thermal Spray connects: Explore its surfacing potential! Düsseldorf: DVS-Verlag, 2005 - (Lugscheider, E.), s. 634-640
    [International Thermal Spray Conference. Basel (CH), 2.5.2005-4.5.2005]
    Keywords : tungsten * plasma spraying * plasma facing components
    Subject RIV: JG - Metallurgy

    Plasma sprayed tungsten and tungsten-copper coatings are being developed for potential application as plasma facing materials for fusion reactors. Initial spray tests indicated difficulties in tungsten melting and in-flight oxidation. Numerical modeling was performed to help explain these issues. A complex study of the process and its products was performed, including: in-flight diagnostics, characterization of isolated splats, and structure, composition, thermal and mechanical properties of the coatings. Based on these results, the process was optimized, with respect to powder size and various spraying parameters, to improve melting of the particles, reduce oxidation and increase the deposition efficiency.

    Plazmové nástřiky wolframu a wolframu+mědi jsou vyvíjeny pro potenciální využití ve fúzních reaktorech. Studium se zaměřilo na modelování a sledování interakce prášku s plazmatem, vlastnosti výsledných povlaků a optimalizaci procesu stříkání.
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Number of the records: 1  

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