Help for Search results

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On page Search result the found records that fit to the entered search criteria are displayed.

If more records are found, they will be displayed on more pages in ten records on one page. The number of recors and icons for moving through pages is at the beggining and at the end of the page.

Records will be displayed and sorted according to the default setting. This setting can be changed by user (see page Advanced Search – tab Setting).

Standard offer of display formats is describing below.

What to do with search result?

To the basket

We can put all found records (whole set) or only records from this page to the basket where it is possible to perform another mass operation with them (see Basket)

Edit the query

The query will be moved to page Advanced search where it is possible to add another selection criteria or limits to the query. (see Advanced Search).


The possibility to change or to add other resource - local or external or search engine (see Resources).

New query

The simple search form will be offered for entering a new query.

Operations with a record

Following operations are available for every record: 

  • To the basket – this function puts a record to the basket. 
  • Bookmark – offer other possibilities for searching, sharing records, or operations with the record. 
  • Export – Export a record in the selected format.

Display formats

It is possible to display search results in several formats, which are created following the requirements of the departments and the offer of which is determined by the ASEP administration (CAS library). For each format, links to WOS, SCOPUS, PUBMED, DOI, RIV - if the record contains an identifier.


  • Header Format with header (system number in ASEP, institute shortcut –owner of the record, year of collection, RIV, information about the RIV entry designation, country of publication, the language of the work, and type of document.
  • Bibliographic description contains information based on the type of document.
  • Funding Under which funding the result was produced. CEP grants, CAS grants, funding from EU programmes, institutional funding, etc.
  • Classifications - keywords and OECD categories (FORD).
  • Persistent link handle.
  • Full texts and datasets – If full text and dataset information is contained in the record, the basic format displays information about the availability of full texts and datasets in the ASEP Repository or external repositories. Contains information based on the type of document.

Short+ annotation, Short + citation

The short format is enhanced with annotations in the language of the work and translation of the annotation into English, or information on citations.

Citation CSN ISO 690

Contains the information required by this standard. Citation according to the standard CSN ISO 690 is required in bachelor's, master's and doctoral theses.

Citation Institution AV reports

The display is identical to the CSN ISO 690 standard, authors' surnames and first names are in lowercase.

Citations authors AV

The display is identical to the CSN ISO 690 standard; the authors of the CAS are listed by their full name, not their initials.

User format

  • This format contains links to authority records in the ASEP database. The ASEP database contains authorities of authors, source documents (periodicals and proceedings), conferences, collaborating institutions, and projects. The link is marked with a "magnifying glass" (e.g. for the name of the main author, it will search) and display the authority of the author.
  • Department abbreviations and links to RID, ORCID, and SCOPUS are displayed for author authority.
  • Information about the full text is displayed if it is attached and available in the ASEP Repository.

Data for RIV

The display format contains the data to be submitted to RIV for a particular record.


It is a specialized format that displays a record in an exchange format MARC - every line displays one MARC record field.

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