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- 1.0578923 - BTÚ 2024 RIV US eng M - Monography Chapter
Mikešová, Jana - Ondráková, Markéta - Jelínková, Iva - Ptáček, Jakub - Nováková, Zora - Bařinka, Cyril
Determining Potency of Inhibitors Targeting Histone Deacetylase 6 by Quantification of Acetylated Tubulin in Cells.
HDAC/HAT Function Assessment and Inhibitor Development. Vol. 2589. New York: Springer Nature, 2023, s. 455-466. ISBN 978-1-0716-2788-4
R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GA21-31806S
Institutional support: RVO:86652036
Keywords : Acetyl-histone * Acetyl-tubulin * Monoclonal antibody 6-11B-1 * Quantitative Western blotting
OECD category: Biochemistry and molecular biology
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