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  1. 1.
    0600092 - ÚGN 2025 RIV CH eng J - Journal Article
    Claret, F. - Prasianakis, N. I. - Baksay, A. - Lukin, D. - Pepin, G. - Ahusborde, E. - Amaziane, B. - Bátor, G. - Becker, D. - Bednár, A. - Béreš, Michal - Bérešová, Simona - Böthi, Z. - Brendler, V. - Brenner, K. - Březina, J. - Chave, F. - Churakov, S. V. - Hokr, M. - Horák, David - Jacques, D. - Jankovský, F. - Kazymyrenko, C. - Koudelka, T. - Kovács, T. - Krejčí, T. - Kruis, J. - Laloy, E. - Landa, J. - Ligurský, Tomáš - Lipping, T. - López-Vázquez, C. - Masson, R. - Meeussen, J. C. L. - Mollaali, M. - Mon, A. - Montenegro, L. - Pisani, B. - Poonoosamy, J. - Pospiech, S. I. - Saâdi, Z. - Samper, J. - Samper-Pilar, A.-C. - Scaringi, G. - Sysala, Stanislav - Yoshioka, K. - Yang, Y. - Zuna, M. - Kolditz, O.
    EURAD state-of-the-art report: development and improvement of numerical methods and tools for modeling coupled processes in the field of nuclear waste disposal.
    Frontiers in Nuclear Engineering. Roč. 3, October 2024 (2024), č. článku 1437714. ISSN 2813-3412
    EU Projects: European Commission(XE) 847593 - EURAD
    Institutional support: RVO:68145535
    Keywords : numerical tools * numerical methods * upscaling * uncertainties treatment * machine learning * coupled processes * reactive transport
    OECD category: Environmental and geological engineering, geotechnics
    Method of publishing: Open access
    Result website:
    Permanent Link:
    UGN_0600092.pdf16.3 MBOtherrequire
  2. 2.
    0533163 - ÚGN 2021 RIV NL eng J - Journal Article
    Blaheta, Radim - Béreš, Michal - Domesová, Simona - Horák, David
    Bayesian inversion for steady flow in fractured porous media with contact on fractures and hydro mechanical coupling.
    Computational Geosciences. Roč. 24, February 2020 (2020), s. 1911-1932. ISSN 1420-0597. E-ISSN 1573-1499
    R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GA19-11441S; GA MŠMT ED1.1.00/02.0070; GA MŠMT LQ1602
    Institutional support: RVO:68145535
    Keywords : porous media with fractures * coupled hydro-mechanics * Bayesian inversion * multi-dimensional flow model * contact mechanics on fractures
    OECD category: Applied mathematics
    Impact factor: 2.413, year: 2020 ; AIS: 0.901, rok: 2020
    Method of publishing: Limited access
    Result website:
    Permanent Link:
    UGN_0533163.pdf24.9 MBPublisher’s postprintrequire
  3. 3.
    0498341 - ÚGN 2019 RIV CZ eng J - Journal Article
    Blaheta, Radim - Béreš, Michal - Domesová, Simona - Pan, P.
    A comparison of deterministic and Bayesian inverse with application in micromechanics.
    Applications of Mathematics. Roč. 63, č. 6 (2018), s. 665-686. ISSN 0862-7940. E-ISSN 1572-9109
    R&D Projects: GA MŠMT LQ1602
    Institutional support: RVO:68145535
    Keywords : inverse problems * Bayesian approach * stochastic Galerkin method
    OECD category: Applied mathematics
    Impact factor: 0.537, year: 2018 ; AIS: 0.33, rok: 2018
    Result website:
    Permanent Link:
    UGN_ 0498341.pdf01.4 MBAuthor’s postprintrequire
  4. 4.
    0482834 - ÚGN 2018 RIV SK eng J - Journal Article
    Béreš, Michal - Domesová, Simona
    The Stochastic Galerkin Method for Darcy Flow Problem with Log-Normal Random.
    Advances in Electrical and Electronic Engineering. Roč. 15, č. 2 (2017), s. 267-279. ISSN 1336-1376. E-ISSN 1804-3119
    R&D Projects: GA MŠMT LQ1602
    Institutional support: RVO:68145535
    Keywords : Darcy flow * Gaussian random field * Karhunen-Loeve decomposition * polynomial chaos * Stochastic Galerkin method
    OECD category: Applied mathematics
    Result website:
    Permanent Link:
    UGN_0482834.pdf2956 KBAuthor’s postprintopen-access
  5. 5.
    0482833 - ÚGN 2018 RIV SK eng J - Journal Article
    Domesová, Simona - Béreš, Michal
    Solution of Inverse Problems using Bayesian Approach with Application to Estimation of Material Parameters in Darcy Flow.
    Advances in Electrical and Electronic Engineering. Roč. 15, č. 2 (2017), s. 258-266. ISSN 1336-1376. E-ISSN 1804-3119
    R&D Projects: GA MŠMT LQ1602
    Institutional support: RVO:68145535
    Keywords : Bayesian statistics * Cross-Entropy method * Darcy flow * Gaussian random field * inverse problem
    OECD category: Applied mathematics
    Result website:
    Permanent Link:
    UGN_0482833.pdf1952.8 KBPublisher’s postprintopen-access

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