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  1. 1.
    0584789 - ÚFE DATA Scientific data      2024
    Pandey, Saurabh K. - Cifra, Michal

    Raw data of the molecular dynamics simulation trajectories and normal mode analyses of tubulin heterodimer A2205.

    Description: This dataset contains data from molecular dynamics (MD) simulations and normal mode analysis (NMA) performed on tubulin protein. Tubulin_dimer_model.pdb containing tubulin structure, .mdp files containing parameters for MD simulation and MD.xtc file containing the trajectory of 500ns long MD simulation. .mdp files containing parameter files for NMA and five structure files as an example of each type of system containing protein with different water layers as .pdb files.
    NMA was performed on five types of systems, containing different water shells around protein: protein with - no water, 3Å, 5Å, 8Å, and 10Å of water. One hundred calculations were performed for each type of system above. Results obtained and analyzed in NMA calculations are provided here: frequency and eigenvectors for first one thousand eigenmodes for each NMA calculation. contains five folders named as frequency_0A, frequency_3A, frequency_5A, frequency_8A, and frequency_10A for systems with no water, 3Å, 5Å, 8Å, and 10Å water layer around protein. Each of these folders contain one hundred .xvg files with frequencies of normal modes. one hundred .trr files containing first one thousands eigenmodes obtained from NMA for systems with only protein (i.e. no water). one hundred .trr files containing first one thousands eigenmodes obtained from NMA for systems with 3Å water layer around protein.
    eigenvec-files_5A| fifty .trr files containing first one thousands eigenmodes obtained from NMA for systems with 5Å water layer around protein.
    eigenvec-files_5A| fifty .trr files containing first one thousands eigenmodes obtained from NMA for systems with 5Å water layer around protein.
    eigenvec-files_8A| fifty .trr files containing first one thousands eigenmodes obtained from NMA for systems with 8Å water layer around protein.
    eigenvec-files_8A| fifty .trr files containing first one thousands eigenmodes obtained from NMA for systems with 8Å water layer around protein.
    eigenvec-files_10A| fifty .trr files containing first one thousands eigenmodes obtained from NMA for systems with 10Å water layer around protein.
    eigenvec-files_10A| fifty .trr files containing first one thousands eigenmodes obtained from NMA for systems with 10Å water layer around protein.

    Keywords : normal mode analysis * tubulin * subTHz * hydration shell
    R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GX20-06873X; GA MŠMT(CZ) LM90254
    Institutional support: RVO:67985882
    OECD category: Atomic, molecular and chemical physics (physics of atoms and molecules including collision, interaction with radiation, magnetic resonances, Mössbauer effect)
    Depositor: admin
    Date of release: 4.4.2024
  2. 2.
    0572510 - ÚFE DATA Scientific data      2023
    Průša, Jiří - Cifra, Michal

    Raw data for the paper Molecular dynamics simulation trajectories dataset of a kinesin on tubulin heterodimers in electric field A2103.

    Description: Molecular dynamics simulations trajectories of kinesin motor domain on microtubule in an intense electric field. Four different electric field directions, and four different field strengths were explored. The data can serve further to researchers in the field of bionanotechnology, bioelectromagnetics and biophysics.
    Keywords : Molecular dynamics * Electric field * Microtubule * Kinesin * Proteins
    R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GX20-06873X
    Institutional support: RVO:67985882
    OECD category: Atomic, molecular and chemical physics (physics of atoms and molecules including collision, interaction with radiation, magnetic resonances, Mössbauer effect)
    Depositor: admin
    Date of release: 5.6.2023
    Electro-detachment of kinesin motor domain from microtubule in silico
    R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GX20-06873X
    Institutional support: RVO:67985882
    DateTagBefore changeAfter change
    18.3.2024Data file nameRaw data for the paper "Molecular dynamics simulation trajectories dataset of a kinesin on tubulin heterodimers in electric field" A2103Raw data for the paper Molecular dynamics simulation trajectories dataset of a kinesin on tubulin heterodimers in electric field A2103
    16.6.2023Link to publication in ASEPDeleted link

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