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  1. 1.
    0534391 - FGÚ 2021 RIV GB eng M - Monography Chapter
    Bačáková, Lucie - Zikmundová, Markéta - Pajorová, Julia - Brož, Antonín - Filová, Elena - Blanquer, Andreu - Matějka, Roman - Štěpanovská, Jana - Mikeš, P. - Jenčová, V. - Kuželová Košťáková, E. - Sinica, A.
    Nanofibrous Scaffolds for Skin Tissue Engineering and Wound Healing Based on Synthetic Polymers.
    Applications of Nanobiotechnology. London: IntechOpen, 2020 - (Stoytcheva, M.; Zlatev, R.), s. 1-29. ISBN 978-1-78985-978-2
    R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GA17-02448S; GA MZd(CZ) NV18-01-00332
    Institutional support: RVO:67985823
    Keywords : skin replacements * wound dressings * nanofibers * electrospinning * epidermis * dermis * keratinocytes * fibroblasts * stem cells * vascularization * cell delivery * drug delivery * regenerative medicine
    OECD category: Technologies involving the manipulation of cells, tissues, organs or the whole organism (assisted reproduction)
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