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- 1.0478998 - ÚI 2018 RIV US eng J - Journal Article
Cabello, S. - Cibulka, J. - Kynčl, J. - Saumell, Maria - Valtr, P.
Peeling Potatoes Near-optimally in Near-linear Time.
Siam Journal on Computing. Roč. 46, č. 5 (2017), s. 1574-1602. ISSN 0097-5397. E-ISSN 1095-7111
R&D Projects: GA ČR GBP202/12/G061
Grant - others:GA MŠk(CZ) LO1506; GA MŠk(CZ) EE2.3.30.0038
Institutional support: RVO:67985807
Keywords : geometric optimization * potato peeling * visibility graph * geometric probability * approximation algorithm
OECD category: Pure mathematics
Impact factor: 0.902, year: 2017
Permanent Link: Download Size Commentary Version Access a0478998.pdf 14 341.8 KB Publisher’s postprint require - 2.0478222 - ÚI 2018 GB eng J - Journal Article
Cabello, S. - Saumell, Maria
A randomized algorithm for finding a maximum clique in the visibility graph of a simple polygon.
Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science. Roč. 17, č. 1 (2015), s. 1-12. ISSN 1462-7264. E-ISSN 1365-8050
Keywords : visibility graph * maximum clique * simple polygon * randomized algorithm
Impact factor: 0.537, year: 2015
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