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- 1.0484574 - MBÚ 2018 RIV GB eng J - Journal Article
Bischof, J. - Salzmann, M. - Streubel, M.K. - Hašek, Jiří - Geltinger, F. - Duschl, J. - Bresgen, N. - Briza, P. - Hašková, Danuša - Lejsková, Renata - Sopjani, M. - Richter, K. - Rinnerthaler, M.
Clearing the outer mitochondrial membrane from harmful proteins via lipid droplets.
Cell Death Discovery. Roč. 3, March 20 (2017), č. článku 17016. E-ISSN 2058-7716
R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GA16-05497S; GA MŠMT(CZ) 7AMB16AT006
Institutional support: RVO:61388971
Keywords : mitochondrial membrane * harmful proteins * lipid droplets
OECD category: Microbiology
Permanent Link: - 2.0462340 - MBÚ 2017 RIV AT eng J - Journal Article
Vašicová, Pavla - Rinnerthaler, M. - Hašková, Danuša - Nováková, Lenka - Malcová, Ivana - Breitenbach, M. - Hašek, Jiří
Formaldehyde fixation is detrimental to actin cables in glucose-depleted S. cerevisiae cells.
Microbial cell. Roč. 3, č. 5 (2016), s. 206-214. ISSN 2311-2638. E-ISSN 2311-2638
R&D Projects: GA ČR GAP305/12/0480; GA ČR(CZ) GA16-05497S; GA MŠMT(CZ) 7AMB16AT006
Institutional support: RVO:61388971
Keywords : Abp140-GFP * Abp1-RFP * Actin cables
Subject RIV: EE - Microbiology, Virology
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