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- 1.0560372 - ÚH 2023 RIV NO eng C - Conference Paper (international conference)
Fialová, Kateřina - Motlochová, Monika - Čermáková, Lenka - Novotná, Kateřina - Pivokonský, Martin
Manganese removal by newly synthesized TiO2-based adsorbent during drinking water treatment.
Proceedings Water safety conference 2022. Narvik: IWA, 2022.
[The 2022 IWA International conference for water safety. Narvik (NO), 22.06.2022-24.06.2022]
Grant - others:AV ČR(CZ) StrategieAV21/20
Program: StrategieAV
Institutional support: RVO:67985874 ; RVO:61388980
Keywords : adsorption * drinking water treatment * ion-exchange * manganese * titanium dioxide
OECD category: Environmental sciences (social aspects to be 5.7); Inorganic and nuclear chemistry (UACH-T)
Permanent Link: - 2.0490040 - ÚH 2019 RIV CZ cze C - Conference Paper (international conference)
Novotná, Kateřina - Načeradská, Jana - Barešová, Magdalena - Janda, V. - Pivokonský, Martin
Koagulace rozdílných typů látek ze sinic a řas.
[Coagulation of different kinds of algal organic matter.]
Pitná voda 2018. České Budějovice: W&ET team, 2018 - (Kalousková, N.; Dolejš, P.), s. 169-174. ISBN 978-80-905238-3-8.
[Pitná voda 2018. Tábor (CZ), 28.05.2018-31.05.2018]
R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GA18-14445S
Grant - others:Ministerstvo školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy - GA MŠk(CZ) 20-SVV/2017
Institutional support: RVO:67985874
Keywords : algal organic matter * Chlorella vulgaris * coagulation * water treatment
OECD category: Environmental sciences (social aspects to be 5.7)
Permanent Link: - 3.0490034 - ÚH 2019 RIV CZ cze C - Conference Paper (international conference)
Pivokonský, Martin - Čermáková, Lenka - Novotná, Kateřina - Pivokonská, Lenka
Voda pro život – strategie AV 21.
[Water for Life – Strategy AV 21.]
Pitná voda 2018. České Budějovice: W&ET team, 2018 - (Kalousková, N.; Dolejš, P.), s. 119-120. ISBN 978-80-905238-3-8.
[Pitná voda 2018. Tábor (CZ), 28.05.2018-31.05.2018]
Institutional support: RVO:67985874
Keywords : strategy AV 21 * Water for life * water treatment * water sources * research
OECD category: Environmental sciences (social aspects to be 5.7)
Permanent Link: - 4.0490031 - ÚH 2019 RIV CZ cze C - Conference Paper (international conference)
Čermáková, Lenka - Novotná, Kateřina - Peer, Petra - Janda, V. - Pivokonský, Martin
Plasty v pitné vodě.
[Microplastics in Drinking Water.]
Pitná voda 2018. České Budějovice: W&ET team, 2018 - (Kalousková, N.; Dolejš, P.), s. 151-156. ISBN 978-80-905238-3-8.
[Pitná voda 2018. Tábor (CZ), 28.05.2018-31.05.2018]
R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GA18-14445S
Institutional support: RVO:67985874
Keywords : microplastics * drinking water * water treatment * raw water
OECD category: Environmental sciences (social aspects to be 5.7)
Permanent Link: - 5.0489947 - ÚH 2019 RIV CZ cze C - Conference Paper (international conference)
Barešová, Magdalena - Načeradská, Jana - Novotná, Kateřina - Pivokonská, Lenka - Pivokonský, Martin
Mohou sinice zlepšit úpravu pitné vody? Sci-fi nebo realita?
[Are cyanobacteria capable of enhancing drinking water treatment? Sci-fi or reality?]
Pitná voda 2018. České Budějovice: W&ET team, 2018 - (Kalousková, N.; Dolejš, P.), s. 163-168. ISBN 978-80-905238-3-8.
[Pitná voda 2018. Tábor (CZ), 28.05.2018-31.05.2018]
R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GA18-14445S
Institutional support: RVO:67985874
Keywords : algal organic matter * coagulation * cyanobacteria * drinking water treatment * humic substances * kaolin
OECD category: Environmental sciences (social aspects to be 5.7)
Permanent Link: - 6.0479565 - ÚH 2018 RIV SK cze C - Conference Paper (international conference)
Novotná, Kateřina - Barešová, Magdalena - Blechová, Magdalena - Pivokonská, Lenka - Pivokonský, Martin - Janda, V.
Vliv celulárních látek na koagulaci buněk sinice Merismopedia tenuissima.
[The influence of cellular organic matter on the coagulation of Merismopedia tenuissima cells.]
Zborník prednášok z XVII. konferencie s medzinárodnou účasťou Pitná voda. Trenčianské Teplice: VodaTím s.r.o, 2017, s. 201-208. ISBN 978-80-971272-5-1.
[Konference s mezinárodnou účasťou Pitná voda. Trenčianské Teplice (SK), 19.09.2017-21.09.2017]
Institutional support: RVO:67985874
Keywords : algal organic matter (AOM) * cells * coagulation * cyanobacteria * Merismopedia tenuissima
OECD category: Environmental sciences (social aspects to be 5.7)
Permanent Link: - 7.0459892 - ÚH 2017 RIV CZ cze C - Conference Paper (international conference)
Novotná, Kateřina - Drdová, Š. - Načeradská, Jana - Pivokonský, Martin - Janda, V.
Vliv organických látek produkovaných fytoplanktonem na koagulaci huminových látek.
[The influence of algal organic matter on the coagulation of humic substances.]
Sborník konference Pitná voda 2016. České Budějovice: WE&T Team, 2016, s. 63-68. ISBN 978-80-905238-2-1.
[Konference Pitná voda. Tábor (CZ), 23.05.2016-26.05.2016]
Institutional support: RVO:67985874
Keywords : AOM (Algal Organic Matter) * coagulation * humic substances * Microcystis aeruginosa * peptides/proteins
Subject RIV: BK - Fluid Dynamics
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