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- 1.0452519 - ÚACH 2016 RIV cze P1 - User Module
Štengl, Václav - Henych, Jiří - Vomáčka, Petr - Ecorchard, Petra - Tolasz, Jakub
Vodná suspenze nanočástic grafenu.
[Aqueous suspensions of graphene nanoparticles.]
2015. Owner: Ústav anorganické chemie AV ČR, v. v. i. Date of the utility model acceptance: 29.09.2015. Utility model number: 28666
R&D Projects: GA MŠMT(CZ) ED3.1.00/14.0328; GA ČR(CZ) GA14-05146S
Institutional support: RVO:61388980
Keywords : graphene * graphene oxide * exfoliation * ultrasound
Subject RIV: CA - Inorganic Chemistry
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Permanent Link: Download Size Commentary Version Access Vodná suspenze.pdf 1 139.7 KB Other require - 2.0452497 - ÚACH 2016 RIV cze P1 - User Module
Štengl, Václav - Henych, Jiří - Vomáčka, Petr - Ecorchard, Petra - Tolasz, Jakub
Vodná suspenze grafen oxidu.
[Aqueous suspension of graphene oxide.]
2015. Owner: Ústav anorganické chemie AV ČR, v. v. i. Date of the utility model acceptance: 29.09.2015. Utility model number: 28667
R&D Projects: GA MŠMT(CZ) ED3.1.00/14.0328
Institutional support: RVO:61388980
Keywords : graphene * graphene oxide * exfoliation * ultrasound
Subject RIV: CA - Inorganic Chemistry
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