Search results
- 1.0444122 - FLÚ 2015 RIV CZ cze U - Conference, Workshop Arrangement
Klípa, J. - Vlnas, V. - Sommer, Petr - Foltýn, Dušan - Mašková, Pavlína - Žemlička, Josef
Otevři zahradu rajskou. Benediktini v srdci Evropy 800-1300.
[Open the Gates of Paradise. The Benedictins in the Heart of Europe 800-1300.]
[Praha, 06.11.2014-15.03.2015, (E-EUR 63/29)]
R&D Projects: GA MK(CZ) DF11P01OVV007
Keywords : The Benedictines * Heart of Europe * 800-1300
Subject RIV: AB - History
Permanent Link: - 2.0371742 - FLÚ 2012 RIV ger, eng U - Conference, Workshop Arrangement
Sommer, Petr
Die Benediktiner und Europasmitte. Christentum-Kultur-Gesellschaft.
[The Benedictins and Europe´s Centre. Christianity-Culture-Society.]
[Praha, 20.06.2011-22.06.2011, (W-WRD 35/15)]
R&D Projects: GA MK(CZ) DF11P01OVV007
Keywords : monasticism * benedictins * monastic culture
Subject RIV: AB - History
Permanent Link: