Search results

  1. 1.
    0500911 - GLÚ 2019 IT eng A - Abstract
    Lokajíček, Tomáš - Svitek, Tomáš - Kern, H. - Wenk, H.-R.
    Complex laboratory study of rock elastic anisotropy.
    Book of Abstracts of the 36th General Assembly of the European Seismological Commision. Messina: Mistral Service, 2018 - (D'Amico, S.; Galea, P.; Bozionelos, G.; Colica, E.; Farrugia, D.; Agius, M.). ISBN 978-88-98161-12-6
    Institutional support: RVO:67985831
    Keywords : velocity * anisotropy * X-ray
    OECD category: Geology
    Result website:
    Permanent Link:
  2. 2.
    0440061 - GLÚ 2015 DE eng A - Abstract
    Ivankina, T. I. - Lokajíček, Tomáš - Svitek, Tomáš - Kern, H.
    The correlation of texture-derived elastic data with laboratory measurements of P and S-wawe velocities in a strongly foliated gneiss.
    17th International Conference on Textures of Materials (ICOTOM 17). Dresden: Technische Universität Dresden, 2015. ISSN 1757-8981.
    [International Conference on Textures of Materials (ICOTOM) /17./. 24.08.2014-29.08.2014, Dresden]
    Institutional support: RVO:67985831
    Keywords : correlation of texture * P and S-wave velocities
    Subject RIV: DC - Siesmology, Volcanology, Earth Structure
    Permanent Link:
  3. 3.
    0427412 - GLÚ 2015 BE eng A - Abstract
    Svitek, Tomáš - Lokajíček, Tomáš - Petružálek, Matěj
    Determination of elastic anisotropy from P- and S-waves based on ultrasonic sounding on spherical samples.
    19th International Conference on Deformation Mechanisms, Rheology and Tectonics : programme and abstracts. Leuven,: Geodynamics & Geofluids Research Group Department of Earth & Environmental Sciences KU Leuven, 2013 - (Haerinck, T.; Torremans, L.; Sintubin, M.). s. 103-103
    [International Conference on Deformation Mechanisms, Rheology and Tectonics /19./. 16.08.2013-18.08.2013, Leuven]
    Institutional support: RVO:67985831
    Keywords : elastic anisotropy
    Subject RIV: DC - Siesmology, Volcanology, Earth Structure
    Result website:
    Permanent Link:
  4. 4.
    0427410 - GLÚ 2015 BE eng A - Abstract
    Petružálek, Matěj - Lokajíček, Tomáš - Svitek, Tomáš
    The influence of mutual orientation between foliation and loading direction on fracturing process of migmatite samples.
    19th International Conference on Deformation Mechanisms, Rheology and Tectonics : programme and abstracts. Leuven,: Geodynamics & Geofluids Research Group Department of Earth & Environmental Sciences KU Leuven, 2013 - (Haerinck, T.; Torremans, L.; Sintubin, M.). s. 83-83
    [International Conference on Deformation Mechanisms, Rheology and Tectonics /19./. 16.08.2013-18.08.2013, Leuven]
    Institutional support: RVO:67985831
    Keywords : migmatite
    Subject RIV: DC - Siesmology, Volcanology, Earth Structure
    Result website:
    Permanent Link:
  5. 5.
    0381351 - GLÚ 2013 RU eng A - Abstract
    Svitek, Tomáš - Lokajíček, Tomáš - Petružálek, Matěj
    Determination of elastic aniosotropy from P and S waves based on ultrasonic sounding on spherical samples.
    Proceedings of the European Seismological Commission 33-rd General Assembly. Moscaw: European Seismological Commission, 2012. s. 1-1.
    [European Seismological Commission General Assembly /33./. 19.08.2012-24.08.2012, Moscow]
    Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z30130516
    Institutional support: RVO:67985831
    Keywords : elastic anisotropy
    Subject RIV: DB - Geology ; Mineralogy
    Permanent Link:
  6. 6.
    0368342 - GLÚ 2012 CZ eng A - Abstract
    Svitek, Tomáš - Petružálek, Matěj - Lokajíček, Tomáš
    P-wave velocity anisotropy of migmatite specimen determined by means of velocity and elastic parameters of three axial ellipsoids.
    33th Polish-Czech-Slovak Symposium on Mining and Environmental Geophysics : abstract proceedings. Prague: Institute of Geology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v. v. i, 2011 - (Rudajev, V.; Živor, R.). s. 26-26. ISBN 978-80-87443-04-0.
    [Polish-Czech-Slovak Symposium on Mining and Environmental Geophysics /33./. 19.09.2011-22.09.2011, Staré Splavy]
    Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z30130516
    Keywords : P-wave elastic anisotropy * velocity ellipsoid * migmatite
    Subject RIV: DC - Siesmology, Volcanology, Earth Structure
    Permanent Link:
  7. 7.
    0336854 - GLÚ 2010 US eng A - Abstract
    Petružálek, Matěj - Vilhelm, Jan - Lokajíček, Tomáš - Rudajev, Vladimír - Svitek, Tomáš
    Approximation of P-wave velocity anisotropy by three-axis ellipsoid.
    [Aproximace anisotropie rychlosti podélných vln trojosým elipsoidem.]
    Geophysical Research Abstracts. Roč. 11, - (2009), s. 3366-3366. ISSN 1607-7962.
    [European Geosciences Union General Assembly. 19.04.2009-24.04.2009, Vienna]
    R&D Projects: GA AV ČR IAA300130906
    Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z30130516
    Keywords : anisotropy * rocks * rock fracturing process
    Subject RIV: DB - Geology ; Mineralogy
    Permanent Link:

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