Search results

  1. 1.
    0538397 - ÚPT 2021 RIV CZ cze O - Others
    Matějka, Milan - Chlumská, Jana - Kolařík, Vladimír - Lalinský, Ondřej - Bábor, P. - Nejezchleb, K. - Horodyský, P. - Himics, D.
    Nové monokrystaly pro elektronovou mikroskopii.
    [New single crystals for electron microscopy.]
    R&D Projects: GA TA ČR(CZ) TN01000008
    Institutional support: RVO:68081731
    Keywords : scintillator * garnet * silicate * microlithography * cathodoluminescence * contamination * SIMS * LEIS * ITO
    OECD category: Electrical and electronic engineering
    Permanent Link:
  2. 2.
    0508977 - ÚPT 2020 RIV CZ cze O - Others
    Matějka, Milan - Kolařík, Vladimír - Sháněl, O. - Schneider, M.
    Technologie pro přípravu fázových destiček.
    [Phase Plates Preparation Technologies.]
    R&D Projects: GA TA ČR(CZ) TN01000008
    Institutional support: RVO:68081731
    Keywords : e–beam lithography * electron microscopy * phase plates * membranes
    OECD category: Nano-processes (applications on nano-scale)
    Permanent Link:

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