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  1. 1.
    0084788 - FGÚ 2008 eng A - Abstract
    Pravenec, Michal - Zídek, Václav - Landa, Vladimír - Kazdová, L. - Kurtz, T.
    Age-related prodiabetogenic effects of transgenic resistin in spontaneously hypertensive rats.
    [Věkově závislé prodiabetogenní účinky transgenního resistinu u spontánně hypertenzních potkanů.]
    Diabetic Medicine. Roč. 23, Suppl. 4 (2006), s. 271-271. ISSN 0742-3071. E-ISSN 1464-5491.
    [World Diabetes Congress /19./. 03.12.2006-07.12.2006, Cape Town]
    R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GA301/06/0028
    Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z50110509
    Keywords : resistin * autocrine effects * transgenic
    Subject RIV: ED - Physiology
    Permanent Link:

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