Search results

  1. 1.
    0585413 - ÚI 2025 RIV eng U - Conference, Workshop Arrangement
    Esau, I. - Miles, V. - Geletič, Jan - Belda, M. - Resler, Jaroslav - Krč, Pavel
    D15 Workshop for public authorities.
    [Bergen, Ålesund, Trondheim, 03.04.2024-05.04.2024, (W-WRD)]
    R&D Projects: GA TA ČR(CZ) TO01000219
    Grant - others:AV ČR(CZ) StrategieAV21/23
    Program: StrategieAV
    Institutional support: RVO:67985807
    OECD category: Meteorology and atmospheric sciences
    Permanent Link:
  2. 2.
    0579763 - ÚI 2024 RIV cze U - Conference, Workshop Arrangement
    Geletič, Jan - Krč, Pavel - Belda, M. - Resler, Jaroslav
    Workshop Kvalita ovzduší a tepelného komfortu na území hl. m. Prahy.
    [Workshop Air Quality and Thermal Comfort in the City of Prague.]
    [Praha, 06.11.2023-06.11.2023, (W-EUR 20/1)]
    R&D Projects: GA TA ČR(CZ) TO01000219
    Grant - others:AV ČR(CZ) StrategieAV21/23
    Program: StrategieAV
    Institutional support: RVO:67985807
    Keywords : kvalita ovzduší * tepelný komfort * mikro-měřítko * Praha * tepelný stres
    OECD category: Meteorology and atmospheric sciences
    Permanent Link:

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