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- 1.0604183 - ÚT 2025 RIV US eng A - Abstract
Seiner, Hanuš - Sedlák, Petr - Frost, Miroslav - Šittner, Petr
Kwink Patterns in Plastically Formed NiTi Martensite.
SMST 2024: Extended Abstracts from the International Conference on Shape Memory and Superelastic Technologies. ASM International, 2024. s. 29-30, č. článku smst2024p0029..
[SMST 2024. 06.05.2024-10.05.2024, Cascais]
R&D Projects: GA MŠMT(CZ) EH22_008/0004591; GA ČR(CZ) GA24-10334S
Institutional support: RVO:61388998 ; RVO:68378271
Keywords : kwink patterns * martensite * nickel-titanium alloys * plastic forming
OECD category: Materials engineering; Condensed matter physics (including formerly solid state physics, supercond.) (FZU-D)
Result website:
Permanent Link: - 2.0557168 - FZÚ 2023 RIV GB eng A - Abstract
Veřtát, Petr - Straka, Ladislav - Seiner, Hanuš - Sozinov, A. - Klicpera, M. - Fabelo, O. - Heczko, Oleg
Hysteretic structural changes within five-layered modulated 10M martensites of Ni-Mn-Ga(-Fe).
Acta Crystallographica Section A-Foundation and Advances. Oxford Blackwell. Roč. 77, Aug. (2021), s. 399-399. ISSN 2053-2733. E-ISSN 2053-2733.
[IUCr Congress /25./. 14.08.2021-22.08.2021, Prague]
R&D Projects: GA MŠMT(CZ) EF16_019/0000760
Grant - others:OP VVV - SOLID21(XE) CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/16_019/0000760
Institutional support: RVO:68378271 ; RVO:61388998
Keywords : magnetic shape memory * phase transformations * Ni-Mn-Ga * twinned microstructure * structural modulation
OECD category: Condensed matter physics (including formerly solid state physics, supercond.); Acoustics (UT-L)
Result website:
Permanent Link: - 3.0439994 - ÚT 2016 DE eng A - Abstract
Benešová, B. - Frost, Miroslav - Kampschulte, M. - Melcher, C. - Seiner, Hanuš
Modulated Martensites in Ferromagnetic Shape Memory Alloys: From Experimental Observations to Mathematical Modelling.
14th GAMM-Seminar on Microstructures 2015. Regensburg: Department of Mathematics, University of Regensburg, 2015. s. 22-22.
[GAMM-Seminar on Microstructures /14./. 16.01.2015-17.01.2015, Regensburg]
R&D Projects: GA AV ČR(CZ) DAAD/14/11; GA ČR GA14-15264S; GA ČR(CZ) GP14-28306P
Institutional support: RVO:61388998
Keywords : ferromagnetic shape memory alloys * modulated martensite * modelling
Subject RIV: BM - Solid Matter Physics ; Magnetism
Result website:
Permanent Link: - 4.0432745 - FZÚ 2015 RIV CZ eng A - Abstract
Kopeček, Jaromír - Jurek, Karel - Kopecký, Vít - Klimša, Ladislav - Seiner, Hanuš - Sedlák, Petr - Landa, Michal - Dluhoš, J. - Petrenec, M. - Hladík, L. - Doupal, A. - Heczko, Oleg
Re-constructing the phase relations in Co38Ni33Al29 ferromagnetic shape memory alloy.
Proceedings of 18th International Microscopy Congress. Prague: Czechoslovak Microscopy Society, 2014 - (Hozák, P.). ISBN 978-80-260-6721-4.
[International Microscopy Congress /18./. 07.09.2014-12.09.2014, Prague]
R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GAP107/11/0391
Institutional support: RVO:68378271 ; RVO:61388998
Keywords : Co-Ni-Al system * SMA * Xe-FIB
Subject RIV: BM - Solid Matter Physics ; Magnetism
Permanent Link: - 5.0432434 - ÚT 2015 CZ eng A - Abstract
Koller, M. - Seiner, Hanuš - Landa, Michal - Nieto, A. - Agarwal, A.
Anisotropic Elastic and Acoustic Properties of Bulk Graphene Nanoplatelets Consolidated by Spark Plasma Sintering.
13th International Symposium on Physics of Materials : ISPMA 13. Praha: Department of Physics of Materials, Charles University in Prague, 2014.
[ISPMA /13./. 31.08.2014-04.09.2014, Praha]
R&D Projects: GA ČR GB14-36566G
Institutional support: RVO:61388998
Keywords : spark plasma sintering * resonant ultrasound spectroscopy
Subject RIV: BM - Solid Matter Physics ; Magnetism
Permanent Link: - 6.0432133 - FZÚ 2015 eng A - Abstract
Kamba, Stanislav - Adamo, C. - Goian, Veronica - Zhang, H. - Beanland, R. - Gupta, A.S. - Gopalan, V. - Drahokoupil, Jan - Vaněk, Přemysl - Svatuška, Michal - Seiner, Hanuš - Palatinus, Lukáš - Klementová, Mariana - Benedek, N.A. - Reaney, I. M. - Maca, K. - Fennie, C.J. - Schlom, D. G.
Hybrid ferroelectric phase transition in multiferroic Ca3Mn2O7
Structural and ferroelectric phase transitions. Book of abstracts and program. Praha: Institute of Physics, AS CR, 2014 - (Glogarová, M.; Hlinka, J.). s. 82-82
[Czech-polish seminar /21./. 19.05.2014-23.05.2014, Sezimovo Ústí]
Institutional support: RVO:68378271 ; RVO:61388998
Keywords : ferroelectric phase transition * multiferroic
Subject RIV: BM - Solid Matter Physics ; Magnetism
Permanent Link: - 7.0425534 - FZÚ 2014 CZ eng A - Abstract
Kopeček, Jaromír - Jarošová, Markéta - Jurek, Karel - Drahokoupil, Jan - Kratochvílová, Irena - Fekete, Ladislav - Bodnárová, Lucie - Seiner, Hanuš - Sedlák, Petr - Landa, Michal - Šepitka, J. - Lukeš, J. - Kopecký, Vít - Heczko, Oleg
Shape memory alloy Co-Ni-Al as complex multiferroic.
Materials Structure in Chemistry, Biology, Physics and Technology. Czech and Slovak Crystallographic Association. Roč. 19, č. 2 (2012), s. 114-115. ISSN 1211-5894.
[Struktura 2012. Kolokvium Krystalografické společnosti. 11.06.2012-14.06.2012, Klatovy]
R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GA101/09/0702; GA ČR GAP107/10/0824; GA ČR(CZ) GAP107/11/0391; GA AV ČR IAA100100920
Institutional support: RVO:68378271 ; RVO:61388998
Keywords : Co-alloys * metallography * EBSD method * martensite
Subject RIV: JG - Metallurgy
Result website:
Permanent Link: - 8.0423329 - ÚT 2014 FR eng A - Abstract
Landa, Michal - Seiner, Hanuš - Sedlák, Petr - Janovská, Michaela - Bodnárová, Lucie - Zídek, Jan
Laser-based resonant ultrasound spectroscopy for quantitative characterization of advanced materials.
13th International Symposium on Nondestructive Characterization of Materials. Le Mans: The University of Maine in Le Mans, 2013. s. 114-114.
[International Symposium on Nondestructive Characterization of Materials /13./. 20.05.2013-24.05.2013, Le Mans]
Institutional support: RVO:61388998
Keywords : laser ultrasonics * resonant ultrasound spectroscopy * elasticity * internal friction * inversion
Subject RIV: BI - Acoustics
Permanent Link: - 9.0423318 - ÚT 2014 CZ eng A - Abstract
Seiner, Hanuš - Sedlák, Petr - Janovská, Michaela - Landa, Michal - Márton, Pavel - Ondrejkovič, Petr - Hlinka, Jiří
Ultrasonic determination of anisotropic elasticity of DyScO3 substrates.
2013 Joint UFFC, EFTF and PFM Symposium. Praha, 2013.
[Joint UFFC, EFTF and PFM Symposium 2013. 21.07.2013-25.07.2013, Praha]
Institutional support: RVO:68378271 ; RVO:61388998
Keywords : anisotropic elasticity * DyScO3 substrates * resonant ultrasound spectroscopy (RUS)
Subject RIV: BI - Acoustics; BI - Acoustics (FZU-D)
Permanent Link: - 10.0422093 - ÚT 2014 JP eng A - Abstract
Landa, Michal - Stoklasová, Pavla - Sedlák, Petr - Seiner, Hanuš - Janovská, Michaela - Zídek, Jan
Evaluation of crystal elasticity from laser ultrasonic SAW phase velocities measurements.
3rd International Symposium on Laser Ultrasonics and Advanced Sensing. Japan: JSNDI, 2013. s. 1-1.
[LU2013. 25.06.2013-28.06.2013, Yokohama]
R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GA101/09/0702; GA ČR GPP101/12/P428
Institutional support: RVO:61388998
Keywords : laser ultrasonics * surface acoustic waves (SAW) * elastic anisotropy * inversion
Subject RIV: BI - Acoustics
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