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- 1.0597576 - FLÚ 2025 RIV eng U - Conference, Workshop Arrangement
Barabas, Marina - Chotaš, Jiří
Colloquium on the Modalities of the Good /8./.
[Prague, 23.07.2024-25.07.2024, (K-WRD 22/6)]
Grant - others:AV ČR(CZ) StrategieAV21/28
Institutional support: RVO:67985955
Keywords : ethics * politics * law * Aristotle * Gaita * Kant * Murdoch * Plato * Weil * Winch * Wittgenstein
OECD category: Philosophy, History and Philosophy of science and technology
Result website:
Permanent Link: - 2.0563556 - FLÚ 2023 RIV eng U - Conference, Workshop Arrangement
Barabas, Marina - Chotaš, Jiří
Colloquium on the Modalities of the Good /7./.
[Prague, 03.08.2022-05.08.2022, (K-WRD 23/8)]
Grant - others:AV ČR(CZ) StrategieAV21/28
Program: StrategieAV
Institutional support: RVO:67985955
Keywords : ethics * political philosophy * epistemology * moral psychology * Plato * McDowell * Gaita * Weil * Winch * Wittgenstein
OECD category: Philosophy, History and Philosophy of science and technology
Result website:
Permanent Link: - 3.0548321 - FLÚ 2022 RIV cze U - Conference, Workshop Arrangement
Karásek, J. - Hill, J. - Palkoska, J. - Chotaš, Jiří
Tělo a mysl v novověké filosofii.
[The Body and The Mind in Modern Philosophy.]
[Praha, 15.11.2021-16.11.2021, (K-CST 15/0)]
Institutional support: RVO:67985955
Keywords : body, mind * modern philosophy * René Descartes * Immanuel Kant
OECD category: Philosophy, History and Philosophy of science and technology
Permanent Link: - 4.0495323 - FLÚ 2019 RIV eng, ger U - Conference, Workshop Arrangement
Chotaš, Jiří - Matějčková, T.
An Ethical Modernity? Hegel’s Concept of Ethical Life Today - Its Limits and Potential.
[Prague, 26.09.2018-28.09.2018, (K-WRD 26/11)]
Institutional support: RVO:67985955
Keywords : Ethics * Germany * Hegel * Idealism * Political philosophy
OECD category: Philosophy, History and Philosophy of science and technology
Permanent Link: - 5.0465487 - FLÚ 2017 RIV eng U - Conference, Workshop Arrangement
Chotaš, Jiří
Hume's Science of Human Nature: Perspectives of Interpretation.
[Prague, 31.08.2016-03.09.2016, (K-EUR 24/5)]
Institutional support: RVO:67985955
Keywords : Hume * Nature * Mind * Ethics * Religion * Political theory
Subject RIV: AA - Philosophy ; Religion
Permanent Link: - 6.0438905 - FLÚ 2015 RIV ger U - Conference, Workshop Arrangement
Chotaš, Jiří - Bondeli, M. - Vieweg, K.
Reinhold und Schulze. Skeptizismus in der nachkantischen Philosophie.
[Reinhold and Schulze. Scepticism in the post-Kantian Philosophy.]
[Prag, 25.06.2014-27.06.2014, (K-WRD 16/11)]
Institutional support: RVO:67985955
Keywords : Reinhold * Schulze * scepticism * post-Kantian philosophy
Subject RIV: AA - Philosophy ; Religion
Permanent Link: - 7.0374843 - FLÚ 2012 RIV ger U - Conference, Workshop Arrangement
Chotaš, Jiří
Freiheit und Bildung bei Hegel.
[Freedom and Education in Hegel.]
[Praha, 05.10.2011-07.10.2011, (K-WRD 15/9)]
Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z90090514
Keywords : Hegel's phenomenology * Phenomenology of Spirit * Philosophy of Right
Subject RIV: AA - Philosophy ; Religion
Permanent Link: