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- 1.0568684 - ÚOCHB 2023 CZ eng C - Conference Paper (international conference)
Butnariu, Maria - Šolínová, Veronika - Koval, Dušan
CE-MS separation and identification of standard nucleotides.
Book of Abstracts and Program. Advances in Chromatography and Electrophoresis & Chiranal 2022. Olomouc: Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci (UPOL), 2022, s. 86-87.
[Advances in Chromatography and Electrophoresis & Chiranal 2022. Olomouc (CZ), 13.06.2022-16.06.2022]
R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GA20-03899S
Institutional support: RVO:61388963
Keywords : capillary electrophoresis * mass spectrometry * nucleotides
OECD category: Analytical chemistry
Permanent Link: - 2.0568681 - ÚOCHB 2023 CZ eng C - Conference Paper (international conference)
Kašička, Václav - Bílek, Jan - Koval, Dušan - Sázelová, Petra - Talele, Harish Ramesh - Severa, Lukáš - Reyes Gutierrez, Paul Eduardo - Teplý, Filip
Chiral capillary electrophoresis with diquats as both passive and active players in enantioseparation games.
Book of abstracts and program. Advances in Chromatography and Electrophoresis & Chiranal 2022. Olomouc: Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci (UPOL), 2022, s. 23-24.
[Advances in Chromatography and Electrophoresis & Chiranal 2022. Olomouc (CZ), 13.06.2022-16.06.2022]
R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GA20-03899S
Institutional support: RVO:61388963
Keywords : chiral capillary electrophoresis * diquats * enantioseparation
OECD category: Analytical chemistry
Permanent Link: - 3.0498017 - ÚOCHB 2019 RIV CZ eng C - Conference Paper (international conference)
Sázelová, Petra - Koval, Dušan - Severa, Lukáš - Reyes Gutierrez, Paul Eduardo - Jirásek, Michael - Teplý, Filip - Kašička, Václav
Enantioseparation and estimation of racemization barriers of selected helquats and their derivatives by capillary electrophoresis using sulfated cyclodextrins as chiral selectors.
CECE 2018. 15th International Interdisciplinary Meeting on Bioanalysis. Brno: Ústav analytické chemie AV ČR, v. v. i., 2018 - (Foret, F.; Křenková, J.; Drobníková, I.; Klepárník, K.; Přikryl, J.), s. 264-267. ISBN 978-80-904959-5-1.
[CECE 2018. International Interdisciplinary Meeting on Bioanalysis /15./. Brno (CZ), 15.10.2018-17.10.2018]
R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GA17-10832S; GA ČR(CZ) GA18-02597S
Institutional support: RVO:61388963
Keywords : helquats * racemization barrier * capillary electrophoresis
OECD category: Analytical chemistry
Result website:
Permanent Link: - 4.0493506 - ÚOCHB 2019 CZ eng C - Conference Paper (international conference)
Sázelová, Petra - Koval, Dušan - Severa, Lukáš - Teplý, Filip - Kašička, Václav
Estimation of binding constants of associates of Ru(II) and Fe(II) polypyridyl complexes with single-isomer sulfated cyclodextrins by capillary electrophoresis.
Advances in Chromatography and Electrophoresis & Chiranal 2018. Olomouc: Palacký University, 2018 - (Bednář, P.; Cechová, M.; Kučera, L.; Kurka, O.), s. 118-119
[Advances in Chromatography and Electrophoresis & Chiranal 2018. Olomouc (CZ), 29.01.2018-01.02.2018]
R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GA15-01948S; GA ČR(CZ) GA17-10832S
Institutional support: RVO:61388963
Keywords : polypyridyl complexes * stability constant * capillary electrophoresis
OECD category: Analytical chemistry
Permanent Link: - 5.0493495 - ÚOCHB 2019 CZ eng C - Conference Paper (international conference)
Kašička, Václav - Bílek, Jan - Koval, Dušan - Sázelová, Petra - Talele, Harish Ramesh - Severa, Lukáš - Reyes Gutierrez, Paul Eduardo - Teplý, Filip
Affinity capillary electrophoresis applied to chiral separations of diquats and to determination of the stability constants of their complexes with sulfated cyclodextrins.
Advances in Chromatography and Electrophoresis & Chiranal 2018. Olomouc: Palacký University, 2018 - (Bednář, P.; Cechová, M.; Kučera, L.; Kurka, O.), s. 56-57
[Advances in Chromatography and Electrophoresis & Chiranal 2018. Olomouc (CZ), 29.01.2018-01.02.2018]
R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GA15-01948S; GA ČR(CZ) GA17-10832S
Institutional support: RVO:61388963
Keywords : affinity capillary electrophoresis * chiral separations * diquats
OECD category: Analytical chemistry
Permanent Link: - 6.0469333 - ÚOCHB 2017 CZ eng C - Conference Paper (international conference)
Sázelová, Petra - Koval, Dušan - Severa, Lukáš - Reyes Gutierrez, Paul Eduardo - Jirásek, Michael - Teplý, Filip - Kašička, Václav
Estimation of racemization barriers of selected helquats and their derivatives by capillary electrophoresis using sulfated cyclodextrins as chiral selectors.
Advances in Chromatography and Electrophoresis & Chiranal 2016. Olomouc: Palacký University, 2016 - (Maier, V.), s. 158-159. ISBN 978-80-244-4961-6.
[Advances in Chromatography and Electrophoresis & Chiranal 2016. Olomouc (CZ), 06.06.2016-09.06.2016]
R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GA15-01948S
Institutional support: RVO:61388963
Keywords : capillary electrophoresis * helquats * interconversion barrier
Subject RIV: CB - Analytical Chemistry, Separation
Permanent Link: - 7.0469330 - ÚOCHB 2017 CZ eng C - Conference Paper (international conference)
Růžička, Martin - Koval, Dušan - Vávra, Jan - Reyes Gutierrez, Paul Eduardo - Teplý, Filip - Kašička, Václav
Enantioseparations of drugs and catalysts by partial-filling affinity capillary electrophoresis using helquats as chiral selectors.
Advances in Chromatography and Electrophoresis & Chiranal 2016. Olomouc: Palacký University, 2016 - (Maier, V.), s. 156-157. ISBN 978-80-244-4961-6.
[Advances in Chromatography and Electrophoresis & Chiranal 2016. Olomouc (CZ), 06.06.2016-09.06.2016]
R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GA15-01948S
Institutional support: RVO:61388963
Keywords : affinity capillary electrophoresis * helquats * chiral selector
Subject RIV: CB - Analytical Chemistry, Separation
Permanent Link: - 8.0469325 - ÚOCHB 2017 CZ eng C - Conference Paper (international conference)
Kašička, Václav - Koval, Dušan - Ibrahim, A. - Chamieh, J. - Cottet, H.
Capillary isotachophoresis and zone electrophoresis applied to determination of effective charge of polyelectrolytes.
Advances in Chromatography and Electrophoresis & Chiranal 2016. Olomouc: Palacký University, 2016 - (Maier, V.), s. 26-27. ISBN 978-80-244-4961-6.
[Advances in Chromatography and Electrophoresis & Chiranal 2016. Olomouc (CZ), 06.06.2016-09.06.2016]
R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GA15-01948S; GA MŠMT 7AMB12FR012
Institutional support: RVO:61388963
Keywords : capillary isotachophoresis * polyelectrolytes * effective charge
Subject RIV: CB - Analytical Chemistry, Separation
Permanent Link: - 9.0450595 - ÚOCHB 2016 SK eng C - Conference Paper (international conference)
Kašička, Václav - Šolínová, Veronika - Sázelová, Petra - Tůmová, Tereza - Štěpánová, Sille - Koval, Dušan
Analysis and characterization of peptide drugs by capillary electromigration methods.
20th International Conference Analytical Methods and Human Health. Conference Proceedings. Bratislava: Department of Analytical Chemistry, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Comenius University in Bratislava, 2015 - (Bodor, R.; Hutta, M.; Masár, M.; Vojs Staňová, A.), s. 27-31. ISBN 978-80-971179-5-5.
[International Conference Analytical Methods and Human Health /20./. Patince (SK), 15.06.2015-18.06.2015]
R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GA13-17224S
Institutional support: RVO:61388963
Keywords : peptides * drugs * capillary electrophoresis
Subject RIV: CB - Analytical Chemistry, Separation
Permanent Link: - 10.0430069 - ÚOCHB 2015 CZ eng C - Conference Paper (international conference)
Sázelová, Petra - Koval, Dušan - Severa, Lukáš - Teplý, Filip - Kašička, Václav
Chiral analysis of alfa-diimine Ru(II) and Fe(II) complexes by capillary electrophoresis using sulfated cyclodextrins as stereoselectors.
Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis. Facultas Rerum Naturalium. Chemica 51S. Olomouc: Palacký University, 2014 - (Maier, V.; Ševčík, J.), s. 198-199. ISBN 978-80-244-3950-1. ISSN 0232-0061.
[Advances in Chromatography and Electrophoresis & Chiranal 2014. Olomouc (CZ), 10.02.2014-14.02.2014]
R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GAP206/12/0453; GA ČR(CZ) GA13-17224S; GA ČR GA13-32974S
Institutional support: RVO:61388963
Keywords : capillary electrophoresis * chiral analysis * metal-polypyridyl complexes
Subject RIV: CB - Analytical Chemistry, Separation
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