Search results

  1. 1.
    0583837 - ÚOCHB 2024 RO eng A - Abstract
    Butnariu, Maria - Koval, Dušan
    The Evaluation of Galectin-1–Glycopeptide Interaction by Affinity Monolith Chromatography.
    ISSS 2023. 27th International Symposium on Separation Sciences. Book of Abstracts. Cluj-Napoca: Romanian Chemical Society, 2023 - (Coman, V.). s. 199. ISBN 978-606-17-2211-2.
    [ISSS 2023. International Symposium on Separation Sciences /27./. 24.09.2023-27.09.2023, Cluj-Napoca]
    Institutional support: RVO:61388963
    Keywords : affinity chromatography * glycopeptides * galectin-1
    OECD category: Analytical chemistry
    Permanent Link:
  2. 2.
    0583777 - ÚOCHB 2024 IT eng A - Abstract
    Koval, Dušan - Tůma, P. - Konášová, Renáta - Butnariu, Maria - Šolínová, Veronika - Kašička, Václav
    Adjustable electroosmotic flow for optimization of CE and CE-MS separations.
    ITP 2023. 29th International Symposium on Electro- and Liquid-Phase Separation Techniques. Book of Abstracts. 2023. s. 78.
    [International Symposium on Electro- and Liquid-Phase Separation Techniques /29./ ITP 2023. 13.09.2023-17.09.2023, San Felice Circeo]
    Institutional support: RVO:61388963
    Keywords : electroosmotic flow * permanent capillary coating * capillary electrophoresis – mass spectrometry * clinical analysis * chiral separation
    OECD category: Analytical chemistry
    Permanent Link:
  3. 3.
    0583776 - ÚOCHB 2024 IT eng A - Abstract
    Kašička, Václav - Šolínová, Veronika - Koval, Dušan
    Capillary isotachophoresis and zone electrophoresis applied for determination of effective charge and ionic mobilities of highly sulfated cyclodextrins.
    ITP 2023. 29th International Symposium on Electro- and Liquid-Phase Separation Techniques. Book of Abstracts. 2023. s. 57.
    [International Symposium on Electro- and Liquid-Phase Separation Techniques /29./ ITP 2023. 13.09.2023-17.09.2023, San Felice Circeo]
    R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GA20-03899S
    Institutional support: RVO:61388963
    Keywords : capillary electrophoresis * capillary isotachophoresis * counterion condensation * effective charge * sulfated cyclodextrins * capillary zone electrophoresis
    OECD category: Analytical chemistry
    Permanent Link:
  4. 4.
    0583741 - ÚOCHB 2024 CZ eng A - Abstract
    Konášová, Renáta - Koval, Dušan - Tůma, P. - Kašička, Václav
    CE-ESI/MS enantioseparation of ketamine and its metabolites.
    9. ročník konference Česká chromatografická škola – 2023. Program konference/Program sekce plakátových sdělení. Praha: Česká chromatografická škola, 2023. s. 9.
    [Česká chromatografická škola – 2023 /9./. 14.05.2023-17.05.2023, Zaječí]
    Institutional support: RVO:61388963
    Keywords : CE-ESI/MS * enantioseparation * ketamine * ketamine derivatives * capillary coating * capillary electrophoresis – mass spectrometry * chiral separation
    OECD category: Analytical chemistry
    Result website:
    Permanent Link:
    Česká chromatografická škola – 2023. Program sekce plakátových sdělení.pdf02.2 MBPublisher’s postprintopen-access
  5. 5.
    0568745 - ÚOCHB 2023 EE eng A - Abstract
    Kašička, Václav - Konášová, Renáta - Koval, Dušan - Pokorný, Vít - Mudra, Petr
    Lab-made low flow CE-ESI-MS interfaces and their application for CE analysis and characterization of (bio)molecules and for study of their interactions.
    PortASAP abstract book. Tallinn: Tallinn University of Technology, 2022. s. 36-37.
    [Final Meeting of PortASAP (COST Action 16215). 14.02.2022-16.02.2022, Tallinn]
    R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GA20-03899S
    Institutional support: RVO:61388963
    Keywords : capillary electrophoresis * mass spectrometry * biomolecular interactions
    OECD category: Analytical chemistry
    Result website:
    Permanent Link:
  6. 6.
    0568571 - ÚOCHB 2023 BE eng A - Abstract
    Koval, Dušan - Tůma, P. - Konášová, Renáta - Butnariu, Maria - Šolínová, Veronika - Kašička, Václav
    Adjustable electroosmotic flow for optimization of CE and CE-MS separations.
    36th International Symposium on Microscale Separations and Bioanalysis. Liege: -, 2022. s. 122.
    [International Symposium on Microscale Separations and Bioanalysis /36./. 03.07.2022-06.07.2022, Liege]
    Institutional support: RVO:61388963
    Keywords : capillary electrophoresis * capillary coating * electroosmotic flow
    OECD category: Analytical chemistry
    Permanent Link:
  7. 7.
    0568563 - ÚOCHB 2023 SI eng A - Abstract
    Kašička, Václav - Bílek, Jan - Koval, Dušan - Sázelová, Petra - Teplý, Filip
    Capillary electrophoretic separation of enantiomers of diquats and estimattion of binding constants bof their complexes with sulfated cyclodextrins.
    Book of Abstracts : 26th International Symposium on Separation Sciences. Ljubljana: National Institute of Chemistry, 2022 - (Vovk, I.; Glavnik, V.; Bensa, M.). s. 7, č. článku KL-2. ISBN 978-961-6104-78-4.
    [International Symposium on Separation Science /26./. 28.06.2022-01.07.2022, Ljubljana]
    R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GA20-03899S
    Institutional support: RVO:61388963
    Keywords : binding constant * capillary electrophoresis * chiral analysis
    OECD category: Analytical chemistry
    Permanent Link:
  8. 8.
    0551946 - ÚOCHB 2022 IT eng A - Abstract
    Kašička, Václav - Konášová, Renáta - Koval, Dušan - Pokorný, Vít - Mudra, Petr
    Development of Nanoflow CE-ESI-MS Interfaces and Their Application for CE Determination of Stability Constants of Crown Ether Complexes with Potassium Ions.
    4th PortASAP Meeting. COST Action 16215: book of abstracts. Rome: Universita of Rome, La Sapienza, 2021 - (Asquini, R.). s. 21. ISBN 978-989-33-1490-6.
    [PortASAP Meeting /4/. COST Action CA16215. 10.02.2021-11.02.2021, Rome]
    R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GA17-10832S; GA ČR(CZ) GA18-02597S
    Institutional support: RVO:61388963
    Keywords : capillary electrophoresis * mass Spectrometry * stability constants
    OECD category: Analytical chemistry
    Permanent Link:
  9. 9.
    0551943 - ÚOCHB 2022 CZ eng A - Abstract
    Šolínová, Veronika - Kovalová, Anna - Koval, Dušan - Kašička, Václav
    Partial filling affinity capillary electrophoresis applied for study of interactions between concanavalin A and (glyco)peptides.
    Česká chromatografická škola - HPLC 2021. Zaječí: Česká chromatografická škola, 2021.
    [Česká chromatografická škola - HPLC 2021 /8./. 19.09.2021-22.09.2021, Zaječí]
    R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GA20-03899S
    Institutional support: RVO:61388963
    Keywords : affinity capillary electrophoresis * concanavalin * peptides
    OECD category: Analytical chemistry
    Permanent Link:
  10. 10.
    0539183 - ÚOCHB 2021 GR eng A - Abstract
    Kašička, Václav - Koval, Dušan - Konášová, Renáta - Štěpánová, Sille - Sázelová, Petra - Pokorný, Vít - Mudra, Petr
    Home-made CE devices with multidimensional detection systems for analysis and characterization of (bio)molecules.
    3rd PortASAP Meeting. COST Action 16215. Chania: COST, 2020 - (Segundo, A.; Tvarijonaviciute, A.; Psillakis, E.). s. 29. ISBN 978-989-33-0399-3.
    [PortASAP Meeting /3/. COST Action CA16215. 18.06.2020-19.06.2020, Chania]
    R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GA17-10832S; GA ČR(CZ) GA18-02597S
    Institutional support: RVO:61388963
    Keywords : capillary electrophoresis * multidimensional detection * biomolecules
    OECD category: Analytical chemistry
    Permanent Link:

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