Search results

  1. 1.
    0523371 - ÚCHP 2020 RIV GB eng M - Monography Chapter
    Kaštánek, František - Topka, Pavel - Soukup, Karel - Šolcová, Olga
    Thermal Treatment. Chapter 3.
    The Handbook of Environmental Remediation: Classic and Modern Techniques. London: Royal Society of Chemistry, 2020 - (Hussain, C.), s. 53-87. ISBN 978-1-78801-380-2
    Institutional support: RVO:67985858
    Keywords : pollutants * thermal desorption * soil remediation
    OECD category: Chemical process engineering
    Permanent Link:
    Chapter 3.pdf511.4 MBPublisher’s postprintrequire
  2. 2.
    0398472 - ÚCHP 2014 RIV GR eng M - Monography Chapter
    Soukup, Karel - Hejtmánek, Vladimír - Šolcová, Olga
    Determination of Transport Characteristics of Porous Biocompatible Materials.
    Recent Advances in Chemical Engineering, Biochemistry and Computational Chemistry. Athens: WSEAS Press, 2013 - (Moller, J.; Kibler, M.; Hefferlin, R.), s. 66-71. ISBN 978-960-474-342-1
    R&D Projects: GA ČR GPP106/11/P459; GA ČR(CZ) GAP204/11/1206
    Institutional support: RVO:67985858
    Keywords : transport characteristics * biocompatiblematerials * Wicke-Kallenbach cell
    Subject RIV: CI - Industrial Chemistry, Chemical Engineering
    Result website:
    Permanent Link:
  3. 3.
    0353295 - ÚCHP 2011 RIV GR eng M - Monography Chapter
    Soukup, Karel - Rogut, J. - Grabowski, J. - Wiatowski, M. - Ludwik-Pardała, M. - Schneider, Petr - Šolcová, Olga
    Porous Iron and Ferric Oxide Pellets for Hydrogen Storage: Texture and Transport Characteristics.
    Advances in Control, Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering and Mechanical Engineering. Atény: WSEAS Press, 2010 - (Mladenov, V.; Psarris, K.; Mastorakis, N.; Caballero, A.; Vachtsevanos, G.), s. 99-103. ISBN 978-960-474-251-6
    R&D Projects: GA MŠMT(CZ) 7C08033
    Grant - others:ECR(XE) RFCR-CT-2007-00006
    Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z40720504
    Keywords : hydrogen storage * transport parameters * inverse gas chromatography
    Subject RIV: CI - Industrial Chemistry, Chemical Engineering
    Result website:
    Permanent Link:

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