Search results
- 1.0469101 - ÚCHP 2017 cze U - Conference, Workshop Arrangement
Šyc, Michal - Punčochář, Miroslav - Svoboda, Karel - Pohořelý, Michael - Václavková, Šárka
Seminář Moderní trendy v oblasti termochemické konverze paliv.
[Modern Trends in Thermochemical Conversion of Solid Fuels.]
[Praha, 23.11.2016, (W-CST 40/-)]
Grant - others:AV ČR(CZ) StrategieAV21/3
Program: StrategieAV
Institutional support: RVO:67985858
Keywords : chemical engineering * fuels * thermochemical conversion
Subject RIV: CI - Industrial Chemistry, Chemical Engineering
Permanent Link: - 2.0459140 - ÚT 2017 eng U - Conference, Workshop Arrangement
Plešek, Jiří - Hrubý, Jan - Punčochář, Miroslav - Chomát, Miroslav - Zima, Patrik - Bendová, Magdalena - Šyc, Michal
Technology Perspectives for Energy Storage.
[Praha, 30.11.2015, (W-WRD 40/5)]
Grant - others:AV ČR(CZ) StrategieAV21/3
Program: StrategieAV
Institutional support: RVO:61388998 ; RVO:67985858
Keywords : energy storage * renewable energy sources * strategy AV21 initiative
Subject RIV: CF - Physical ; Theoretical Chemistry (UCHP-M)
Permanent Link: - 3.0166537 - UCHP-M 20020226 RIV eng U - Conference, Workshop Arrangement
Drahoš, Jiří - Wichterle, Ivan - Procházka, Jaroslav - Staněk, Vladimír - Svoboda, Karel - Růžička, Marek - Sovová, Helena - Šolcová, Olga - Punčochář, Miroslav
15th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering CHISA 2002.
[Prague, 25.08.2002-29.08.2002, (K-EUR 948/784)]
Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z4072921
Keywords : chemical engineering * symposia * workshop
Subject RIV: CF - Physical ; Theoretical Chemistry
Permanent Link: