Search results

  1. 1.
    0376298 - ÚMCH 2013 ES eng C - Conference Paper (international conference)
    Starý, Z. - Pemsel, T. - Baldrian, Josef - Münstedt, H.
    Morphology development in compatibilized polymer blends under elongation.
    Book of Abstracts. San Sebastian-Donostia: Polymat Institute, 2012 - (Mondragon, I.), s. 117-118. ISBN 978-84-695-2762-7.
    [European Symposium on Polymer Blends /11./. San Sebastian-Donostia (ES), 25.03.2012-28.03.2012]
    Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z40500505
    Keywords : morphology * polymer blends
    Subject RIV: CD - Macromolecular Chemistry
    Permanent Link:
  2. 2.
    0342985 - ÚMCH 2011 RIV CZ eng C - Conference Paper (international conference)
    Holoubek, Jaroslav - Baldrian, Josef - Hromádková, Jiřina - Steinhart, Miloš
    Self-assembled nanostructures in copolymer blends: SAXS, SANS and TEM study.
    Conference Proceedings. Ostrava: Tanger, 2009, s. 61-68. ISBN 978-80-87294-13-0.
    [NANOCON International Conference /1./. Rožnov pod Radhoštěm (CZ), 20.10.2009-22.10.2009]
    Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z40500505
    Keywords : total hip replacement * polyethylene wear * aseptic loosening
    Subject RIV: CD - Macromolecular Chemistry
    Result website:
    Permanent Link:
  3. 3.
    0337892 - ÚMCH 2010 CZ eng C - Conference Paper (international conference)
    Horák, Zdeněk - Šlouf, Miroslav - Mikešová, Jana - Baldrian, Josef - Fencl, J.
    Supermolecular structure and rheology of modified UHMWPE for total joint replacements.
    Human Biomechanics 2006. Brno: Brno University of Technology, 2006 - (Burša, J.; Fuis, V.), s. 100-101. ISBN 80-214-3232-2.
    [Human Biomechanics 2006. Hrotovice (CZ), 13.11.2006-16.11.2006]
    R&D Projects: GA ČR GA106/04/1118
    Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z40500505
    Keywords : UHMWPE * irradiation * structure
    Subject RIV: CD - Macromolecular Chemistry
    Permanent Link:
  4. 4.
    0313173 - ÚMCH 2009 RIV SK cze C - Conference Paper (international conference)
    Špírková, Milena - Brus, Jiří - Strachota, Adam - Urbanová, Martina - Brožová, Libuše - Baldrian, Josef - Šlouf, Miroslav
    Vliv nanoaditiv na vlastnosti organicko-anorganických nanokompozitů.
    [The influence of nanoadditives on properties of organic- inorganic nanocomposites.]
    Polyméry. Bratislava: Ústav polymérov Slovenskej Akadémie vied, 2008, L12/1-L12/3. ISBN 978-80-968433-5-0.
    [Slovensko-Česká konferencia /5./ Polyméry. Stará Lesná (SK), 28.09.2008-01.10.2008]
    R&D Projects: GA AV ČR IAA400500505
    Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z40500505
    Keywords : nanoadditives * organic-inorganic hybrids * nanocomposites
    Subject RIV: CD - Macromolecular Chemistry
    Permanent Link:
  5. 5.
    0312771 - ÚMCH 2010 RIV US eng C - Conference Paper (international conference)
    Starý, Z. - Baldrian, Josef - Münstedt, H.
    Behaviour of dispersed particles in PS/PE blends during and after elongation.
    15. International Congress on Rheology. Melville,New York: American Institute of Physics, 2008 - (Co, A.; Colby, R.; Leal, G.; Giacomin Jeffrey A.), s. 511-513. AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 1027. ISBN 978-0-7354-0549-3. ISSN 0094-243X.
    [International Congress On Rheology /15./. Monterey (US), 03.08.2008-08.08.2008]
    Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z40500505
    Keywords : dispersed particles * PS/PE blends * elongation
    Subject RIV: CD - Macromolecular Chemistry
    Permanent Link:
  6. 6.
    0310718 - ÚMCH 2009 RIV IT eng C - Conference Paper (international conference)
    Holoubek, Jaroslav - Baldrian, Josef - Lednický, František - Lal, J.
    Self-assembled nanostructures in copolymer blends: SAXS, SANS and TEM study.
    [Samouspořádané nanostruktury ve směsích kopolymerů: Studie SAXS, SANS a TEM.]
    PPS-24: The Polymer Processing Society. Salerno: Polymer Technology Group, 2008, 502_1-502_4. ISBN 88-7897-025-5.
    [Annual Meeting of Polymer Processing Society /24./. Salerno (IT), 15.06.2008-19.06.2008]
    R&D Projects: GA AV ČR IAA100500501; GA ČR GESON/06/E005
    Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z40500505
    Keywords : diblock copolymers * copolymer blends * SANS
    Subject RIV: CD - Macromolecular Chemistry
    Permanent Link:
  7. 7.
    0310716 - ÚMCH 2009 RIV IT eng C - Conference Paper (international conference)
    Ublekov, F. - Baldrian, Josef - Nedkov, E.
    Montmorilonite Na+ (MMT) effect on the X-ray crystal structure of PHBV/MMT nanocomposites.
    [Vliv montmorilonitu Na+ na krystalovou strukturu nanokompositů PHBV/MMT studovanou pomocí paprsků X.]
    PPS-24: The Polymer Processing Society. Salerno: Polymer Technology Group, 2008, s. 681-683. ISBN 88-7897-025-5.
    [Annual Meeting of Polymer Processing Society /24./. Salerno (IT), 15.06.2008-19.06.2008]
    Grant - others:European Commission(XE) 2004-509185
    Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z40500505
    Keywords : PHBV/MMT nanocomposites * structure
    Subject RIV: CD - Macromolecular Chemistry
    Permanent Link:
  8. 8.
    0306835 - ÚMCH 2008 RIV TR eng C - Conference Paper (international conference)
    Špírková, Milena - Brus, Jiří - Urbanová, Martina - Strachota, Adam - Brožová, Libuše - Baldrian, Josef - Šlouf, Miroslav - Strachotová, Beata - Hrdlička, Z.
    Multidisciplinary characterization of complex polymer systems prepared in the form of coatings and films.
    [Multidisciplinární charakterizace komplexních polymerních systémů připravených ve formě nátěrů a filmů.]
    Presentations - Boya/Paint 2008. Istanbul: Uctea Chamber of Chemical Engineers, 2008 - (Oner, M.; Orbay, M.), s. 257-265. ISBN 978-9944-89-538-5.
    [International Paint and Auxiliary Products Industry Congress and Exhibition /7./. Istanbul (TR), 10.04.2008-12.04.2008]
    R&D Projects: GA AV ČR IAA400500505
    Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z40500505
    Keywords : coatings * sol-gel process * polyaddition reactions
    Subject RIV: CD - Macromolecular Chemistry
    Permanent Link:
  9. 9.
    0189185 - UMCH-V 20033140 RIV DE eng C - Conference Paper (international conference)
    Kotek, Jiří - Kelnar, Ivan - Baldrian, Josef - Raab, Miroslav
    The effect of UV irradiation on structure and mechanical behaviour of .beta. nucleated polypropylene.
    Proceedings. HalleWittenberg: MartinLutherUniversität, 2003, s. -.
    [Tagung Deformation und Bruchverhalten von Kunststoffen /9./. Halle-Wittenberg (DE), 25.06.2003-27.06.2003]
    R&D Projects: GA ČR GP106/02/P027; GA ČR GA106/02/1249; GA ČR GA106/01/0601
    Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z4050913
    Keywords : isotactic polypropylene * .beta. nucleation * photo-degradation
    Subject RIV: CD - Macromolecular Chemistry
    Permanent Link:
  10. 10.
    0188932 - UMCH-V 20023198 RIV DE eng C - Conference Paper (international conference)
    Kotek, Jiří - Kelnar, Ivan - Baldrian, Josef - Raab, Miroslav
    Filled .beta. polypropylene: the effect of filler type on morphology and mechanical properties.
    Vorträge. Halle: MartinLutherUniversität HallleWittenberg, 2002, s. 96-99.
    [Internationale Fachtagung: Polymerwerkstoffe 2002. Halle (DE), 25.09.2002-27.09.2002]
    R&D Projects: GA ČR GP106/02/P027; GA ČR GA106/01/0601; GA ČR GA106/02/1249
    Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z4050913
    Keywords : .beta.-polypropylene composites
    Subject RIV: CD - Macromolecular Chemistry
    Permanent Link:

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