Search results

  1. 1.
    0479433 - ÚGN 2018 PL eng A - Abstract
    Waclawik, Petr - Kukutsch, Radovan - Kajzar, Vlastimil - Staš, Lubomír - Němčík, J. - Nohejl, Zdeněk
    Stress-deformation monitoring of coal pillars during room and pillar extraction at the great depth.
    Górnicze Zagrożenia Naturalne 2017. Katowice: Główny Instytut Górnictwa - Zakład Tąpań i Mechaniki Górotworu, 2017. s. 37-37. ISBN -.
    R&D Projects: GA MŠMT(CZ) LO1406; GA MŠMT ED2.1.00/03.0082
    Institutional support: RVO:68145535
    Keywords : stress-deformation * monitoring * room and pillar * coal pillar
    OECD category: Mining and mineral processing
    Permanent Link:
  2. 2.
    0472226 - ÚGN 2017 PL eng A - Abstract
    Staš, Lubomír - Koníček, Petr - Waclawik, Petr - Kaláb, Tomáš
    Developing an equipment for monitoring the stress tensor in an environment with a methane explosion hazard.
    Górnicze zagroźenia naturalne 2016. Katowice: GIG, 2016. s. 44-44. ISBN -.
    [Miedzynarodowa Konferencja Naukowo - Techniczna z cyklu Górnicze Zagroźenia Naturalne 2016. 08.11.2016-10.11.2016, Szczyrk]
    R&D Projects: GA MV VH20162017002
    Institutional support: RVO:68145535
    Keywords : stress measurement * stress tensor * monitoring system * CCBM * methane explosion hazard
    Subject RIV: DH - Mining, incl. Coal Mining
    Permanent Link:
    UGN_0472226.docx014.7 KBAuthor´s preprintopen-access
  3. 3.
    0430268 - ÚGN 2015 RIV CZ eng A - Abstract
    Sitek, Libor - Bodnárová, L. - Souček, Kamil - Staš, Lubomír
    Use of X-ray CT for analysis of concretes exposed to high temperatures.
    5th International Colloquium on Geomechanics and Geophysics. GECO 2014. Vol. 5. Ostrava: Ústav geoniky AV ČR, 2014 - (Koníček, P.; Souček, K.; Heroldová, N.). s. 87-88. ISBN 978-80-86407-49-4.
    [5th International Colloquium on Geomechanics and Geophysics. 24.06.2014-27.06.2014, Ostravice, Karolínka]
    R&D Projects: GA MŠMT ED2.1.00/03.0082; GA ČR GAP104/12/1988
    Institutional support: RVO:68145535
    Keywords : X-ray tomography * concrete * cement paste * aggregate * high temperature
    Subject RIV: JQ - Machines ; Tools
    Permanent Link:
    UGN_0430268.pdf0447.5 KBPublisher’s postprintopen-access
  4. 4.
    0430264 - ÚGN 2015 RIV CZ eng A - Abstract
    Ptáček, Jiří - Koníček, Petr - Staš, Lubomír - Waclawik, Petr - Kukutsch, Radovan
    The rotation of principal axes of stress due to mine induced stresses.
    5th International Colloquium on Geomechanics and Geophysics. GECO 2014. Vol. 5. Ostrava: Ústav geoniky AV ČR, 2014 - (Koníček, P.; Souček, K.; Heroldová, N.). s. 73-74. ISBN 978-80-86407-49-4.
    [5th International Colloquium on Geomechanics and Geophysics. 24.06.2014-27.06.2014, Ostravice, Karolínka]
    Institutional support: RVO:68145535
    Keywords : mining * principal stress * stress distribution * overcoring * stress monitoring
    Subject RIV: DH - Mining, incl. Coal Mining
    Permanent Link:
  5. 5.
    0430261 - ÚGN 2015 RIV CZ eng A - Abstract
    Vavro, Martin - Souček, Kamil - Staš, Lubomír - Waclawik, Petr - Vavro, Leona - Koníček, Petr - Ptáček, Jiří
    Alternative methods for RQD parameter determination.
    5th International Colloquium on Geomechanics and Geophysics. GECO 2014. Vol. 5. Ostrava: Ústav geoniky AV ČR, 2014 - (Koníček, P.; Souček, K.; Heroldová, N.). s. 53-54. ISBN 978-80-86407-49-4.
    [5th International Colloquium on Geomechanics and Geophysics. 24.06.2014-27.06.2014, Ostravice, Karolínka]
    R&D Projects: GA MŠMT ED2.1.00/03.0082
    Institutional support: RVO:68145535
    Keywords : rock quality designation (RQD * rock fracturing * rock mass classification * geotechnical monitoring
    Subject RIV: DH - Mining, incl. Coal Mining
    Permanent Link:
    UGN_0430261.pdf0384.6 KBPublisher’s postprintopen-access
  6. 6.
    0424272 - ÚGN 2014 CZ eng A - Abstract
    Vavro, Martin - Souček, Kamil - Daněk, T. - Staš, Lubomír
    Selected non-destructive methods suitable for building use evaluation of roofing slate.
    Sanace a rekonstrukce staveb 2013. Praha: Vědeckotechnická společnost pro sanace staveb a péči o památky - WTA CZ, 2013 - (Křížová, K.). s. 250-250. ISBN 978-80-02-02502-3.
    [Sanace a rekonstrukce staveb /35./ a Mezinárodní konference WTA CZ /15./. 14.11.2013-15.11.2013, Praha]
    Institutional support: RVO:68145535
    Keywords : roofing slate * stability of building materials * weathering * petrographic analysis * X-ray computed tomography
    Subject RIV: JN - Civil Engineering
    Permanent Link:
    UGN_0424272.jpg4351.4 KBPublisher’s postprintopen-access
  7. 7.
    0367780 - ÚGN 2012 CZ eng A - Abstract
    Blaheta, Radim - Kohut, Roman - Kolcun, Alexej - Souček, Kamil - Staš, Lubomír
    X-ray computer tomography in geotechnics.
    NDT Welding Bulletin. Pavel Turek-Agentura Tiret. Roč. 21, č. 3 (2011), s. 12-12. ISSN 1213-3825.
    [Defektoskopie 2011 - Mezinárodní konference /41./. 09.07.2011-11.11.2011, Ostrava]
    R&D Projects: GA ČR GA105/09/1830
    Grant - others:GA MŠk(CZ) ED2.1.00/03/0082
    Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z30860518
    Source of funding: O - Operational programmes
    Keywords : X-ray CT * geocomposite * FEM * homogenization
    Subject RIV: JQ - Machines ; Tools
    Permanent Link:
  8. 8.
    0352367 - ÚGN 2011 CZ eng A - Abstract
    Staš, Lubomír - Souček, Kamil - Hortvík, Karel - Kajzar, Vlastimil - Knejzlík, Jaromír
    Measurement of Induced Stress Change During Longwall Exploitation.
    Czech - Polish Workshop On Recent Geodynamics of the Sudeten and Adjacent Areas /11./. Praha: ÚSMH AV ČR, 2010 - (Schenk, V.; Kontny, B.). s. 27-27. ISBN N. ISSN N.
    [Czech - Polish Workshop On Recent Geodynamics of the Sudeten and Adjacent Areas /11./. 04.11.2010-06.11.2010, Třešť]
    Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z30860518
    Keywords : stress measurement * conical gauge probe * stress tensor
    Subject RIV: DH - Mining, incl. Coal Mining
    Permanent Link:

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