Search results
- 1.0178644 - UFP-V 980100 CZ eng I - Internal Report
Krlín, Ladislav - Klíma, Richard - Pavlo, Pavol - Petržílka, Václav - Svoboda, Vojtěch - Tataronis, J. A.
Transport of intensive LH pulses into the tokamak plasma.
Praha 8: Praha, 1998. 28 s. Research Report., 360.
R&D Projects: GA ČR GA202/96/1350; GA ČR GA202/96/1355
Grant - others:Czech Science and Technol. program(US) 93068, US:Departmen of Energy:De-FG02-88ER53264
Subject RIV: BL - Plasma and Gas Discharge Physics
Permanent Link: - 2.0178428 - UFP-V 960027 CZ eng I - Internal Report
Krlín, Ladislav - Pavlo, Pavol - Malijevský, I.
Stochastic Interaction Between TAE and Alpha Particles.
Prague: ÚFP AV ČR, 1996. 1+7 s. Research Report., 354.
R&D Projects: GA ČR GA202/96/1350; GA ČR GA202/96/1355
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