Search results

  1. 1.
    0436371 - ÚTIA 2015 RIV DE eng M - Monography Chapter
    Kárný, Miroslav - Guy, Tatiana Valentine
    On the Origins of Imperfection and Apparent Non-Rationality.
    Decision Making: Uncertainty, Imperfection, Deliberation and Scalability. Cham: Springer, 2014 - (Guy, T.; Kárný, M.; Wolpert, D.), s. 57-92. Studies in Computational Intelligence, 538. ISBN 978-3-319-15143-4
    R&D Projects: GA ČR GA13-13502S
    Institutional support: RVO:67985556
    Keywords : Bayesian decision making * non-rationality * fully probabilistic design of decision strategies * deliberation effort
    Subject RIV: BB - Applied Statistics, Operational Research
    Permanent Link:
  2. 2.
    0409679 - UTIA-B 970137 DE eng M - Monography Chapter
    Kárný, Miroslav - Nedoma, Petr - Berec, Luděk
    Statistical decision making and neural networks.
    Berlin: Springer, 1997. Perspectives in Neural Computing. ISBN 3-540-76160-8. In: Dealing with Complexity. A Neural Networks Approach. - (Kárný, M.; Warwick, K.; Kůrková, V.), s. 29-46
    Grant - others:GA AV(CZ) A2075603; GA AV(CZ) A2075606; Copernicus(XE) CP 94:1174; Copernicus(XE) CP 94:1320
    Permanent Link:
  3. 3.
    0409176 - UTIA-B 950172 CH eng M - Monography Chapter
    Šámal, M. - Kárný, Miroslav - Backfrieder, W. - Kletter, K. - Bergmann, H.
    Bayesian identification of compartment structures in dynamic scintigraphic data.
    Basel: Birkhäuser, 1995. Advances in Pharmacological Sciences. ISBN 3-7643-5082-2. In: Radioactive Isotopes in Clinical Medicine and Research. - (Bergmann, H.; Sinzinger, H.), s. 123-129
    R&D Projects: GA ČR 312/94/0679
    Grant - others:Commission EU(XE) Cost OC B2.20
    Permanent Link:
  4. 4.
    0408826 - UTIA-B 940062 GB eng M - Monography Chapter
    Kárný, Miroslav - Halousková, Alena
    Pre-tuning of self-tuners.
    Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1994. Oxford Science Publications. ISBN 0-19-856292-6. In: Advances in Model-Based Predictive Control. - (Clarke, D.), s. 333-343
    Grant - others:GA AV(CZ) A275110
    Permanent Link:
  5. 5.
    0389631 - ÚTIA 2013 RIV DE eng M - Monography Chapter
    Kárný, Miroslav
    Automated Preference Elicitation for Decision Making.
    Decision Making and Imperfection. Vol. 3. Berlin: Springer, 2013, s. 65-99. Studies in Computational Intelligence, 474. ISBN 978-3-642-36405-1
    R&D Projects: GA ČR GA13-13502S; GA ČR GA102/08/0567
    Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z1075907
    Institutional support: RVO:67985556
    Keywords : Bayesian decision making * fully probabilistic design * DM preference elicitation * support of imperfect participants
    Subject RIV: BC - Control Systems Theory
    Permanent Link:
  6. 6.
    0364850 - ÚTIA 2012 RIV DE eng M - Monography Chapter
    Kárný, Miroslav - Guy, Tatiana Valentine
    On Support of Imperfect Bayesian Participants.
    Decision Making with Imperfect Decision Makers. Vol. chapter 2. Intelligent Systems Reference Library. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer, 2012, s. 29-56. Vol. 28. ISBN 978-3-642-24646-3
    R&D Projects: GA MŠMT(CZ) 1M0572; GA ČR GA102/08/0567
    Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z10750506
    Keywords : Decision Making * Imperfect Decision Makers * Intelligent Systems
    Subject RIV: IN - Informatics, Computer Science
    Permanent Link:
  7. 7.
    0135280 - ENTU-I 980002 RIV US eng M - Monography Chapter
    Berec, Luděk - Kárný, Miroslav - Warwick, K. (ed.) - Kárný, M. (ed.)
    Identification of reality in Bayesian context.
    Boston: Birkhauser, 1997. In: Computer-intensive methods in control and signal processing: Curse of dimensionality., s. 181-193
    Permanent Link:

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