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- 1.0518921 - ÚI 2020 CZ eng A - Abstract
Coufal, David
Generative Adversial Networks. A 2019 Review.
Proceedings of the 22nd Czech-Japan Seminar on Data Analysis and Decision Making (CJS’19). Praha: MatfyzPress, 2019 - (Inuiguchi, M.; Jiroušek, R.; Kratochvíl, V.). s. 25-27. ISBN 978-80-7378-400-3.
[CJS 2019. Czech-Japan Seminar on Data Analysis and Decision Making /22./. 25.09.2019-28.09.2019, Nový Světnov]
R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GA18-23827S
Institutional support: RVO:67985807
Result website:
Permanent Link: Download Size Commentary Version Access 0518921-aw.pdf 1 241.8 KB volně online Publisher’s postprint open-access - 2.0466900 - ÚI 2017 CZ cze A - Abstract
Coufal, David
Vzorkovací schémata v částicovém filtru.
ROBUST 2016 Sborník abstraktů. Praha: KPMS MFF UK, 2016. s. 2-2.
[ROBUST 2016. 11.09.2016-16.09.2016, Jeseníky]
Institutional support: RVO:67985807
Subject RIV: BB - Applied Statistics, Operational Research
Permanent Link: Download Size Commentary Version Access a0466900.pdf 0 621.3 KB Publisher’s postprint open-access - 3.0442648 - ÚI 2015 CZ eng A - Abstract
Coufal, David
Kernel Estimates of Derivatives in Particle Filter.
STOCHASTIKA 2015. Prague: CTU FEL, 2015. s. 8-8.
[STOCHASTIKA 2015. 08.02.2015-13.02.2015, Kohútka]
R&D Projects: GA MŠMT(CZ) LD13002
Institutional support: RVO:67985807
Keywords : particle filter * kernel methods * Fourier transform
Permanent Link: Download Size Commentary Version Access 0442648.pdf 8 640.4 KB Publisher’s postprint open-access - 4.0436449 - ÚI 2015 CZ cze A - Abstract
Coufal, David
Jádrové odhady hustot v částicovém filtru.
ROBUST 2014 Program a sborník abstraktů. Praha: KPMS MFF UK, 2014. s. 4-4.
[ROBUST 2014. 19.01.2014-24.01.2014, Jetřichovice]
Institutional support: RVO:67985807
Keywords : částicový filtr * jádrové metody * Fourierova transformace
Subject RIV: BB - Applied Statistics, Operational Research
Permanent Link: Download Size Commentary Version Access 0436449.pdf 4 50.4 KB Publisher’s postprint open-access - 5.0383412 - ÚI 2013 CZ cze A - Abstract
Coufal, David
Sekvenční metody Monte Carlo a neparametrické odhady.
Statistické metody pro technologii a výzkum. Pardubice: TriloByte Statistical Software, 2012 - (Kupka, K.). s. 119. ISBN 978-80-904053-6-3.
[Analýza dat 2012/II - Statistické metody pro technologii, kvalitu a výzkum. 14.11.2012-16.11.2012, Pardubice]
Institutional support: RVO:67985807
Keywords : parametrické odhady * metody Monte Carlo
Subject RIV: BB - Applied Statistics, Operational Research
Permanent Link: Download Size Commentary Version Access a0383412.pdf 1 970.3 KB Publisher’s postprint require - 6.0368089 - ÚI 2012 SE eng A - Abstract
Coufal, David - Klaschka, Jan - Štefka, David
Analysis of EEG Signals for Classification of Car Driver's Vigilance Level.
Neuroinformatics 2011. Stockholm: INCF, 2011. s. 295-296.
[Neuroinformatics 2011. 04.09.2011-06.09.2011, Boston]
Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z10300504
Keywords : EEG signal analysis * microsleep
Subject RIV: BB - Applied Statistics, Operational Research
Permanent Link: - 7.0341930 - ÚI 2011 RIV HU eng A - Abstract
Coufal, David
Classification of Vigilance Levels Related to EEG Spectrograms.
Computational Intelligence and Informatics. Budapest: Budapest Tech, Hungarian Fuzzy Association, 2009 - (Szakál, A.). s. 95. ISBN 978-963-7154-96-6.
[International Symposium of Hungarian Researchers on Computational Intelligence and Informatics. 12.12.2009-14.12.2009, Budapest]
R&D Projects: GA MDS 1F84B/042/520; GA MŠMT MEB040901
Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z10300504
Keywords : microsleeps * fuzzy classifier * EEG spectrograms
Subject RIV: IN - Informatics, Computer Science
Permanent Link: - 8.0326475 - ÚI 2010 IT eng A - Abstract
Coufal, David - Štefka, David - Klaschka, Jan - Holeňa, Martin - Šebesta, Václav
Classification Models for Somnolence Detection in EEG Spectra.
EURISBIS 09 Book of Abstracts. Cagliari, Sardinie: TILAPIA Communications, 2009 - (Mola, F.; Conversano, C.; Vinzi, V.; Fisher, N.). s. 80-81. ISBN 978-88-89744-13-0.
[EURISBIS 09. European Regional Meeting of the International Society for Business and Industrial Statistics. 30.05.2009-03.06.2009, Cagliari]
R&D Projects: GA MDS 1F84B/042/520
Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z10300504
Keywords : EEG classification * combining classifiers * data mining
Subject RIV: BB - Applied Statistics, Operational Research
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