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- 1.0184268 - UJF-V 970394 CH eng A - Abstract
Spirková-Hradilová, J. - Kolárová, P. - Vacík, Jiří - Schröfel, J.
Properties of optical layers in annealed proton exchanged lithium niobate.
Book of Abstracts of the European Conference on Solid State Chemistry. Zürich: Eidhenossische Technische Hochschule, 1997. s. PB19.
[European Conference on Solid State Chemistry "ECSSC'97" /6./. 17.10.1997-20.10.1997, Zürich]
Permanent Link: - 2.0184267 - UJF-V 970393 GB eng A - Abstract
Spirková-Hradilová, J. - Kolarova, P. - Vacík, Jiří - Schröfel, J.
Correlation of extraordinary refractive index profiles with lithium concentrations in annealed proton exchanged lithium niobate optical waveguides.
Book of Abstracts of the International Conference in Material Chemistry. Exeter: University, 1997. s. 88.
[International Conference in Material Chemistry /3./. 21.07.1997-25.07.1997, Exeter]
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