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- 1.0443082 - ÚEB 2016 RIV US eng M - Monography Chapter
Vaněk, Tomáš - Soudek, Petr - Maršík, Petr - Hudcová, T. - Syrovátka, J.
Pharmaceuticals in waters - problem and its solution.
Legislation, Technology and Practice of Mine Land Reclamation. Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2014 - (Zhenqi, H.), s. 381-384. ISBN 978-1-138-02724-4
R&D Projects: GA TA ČR TA01020573; GA ČR(CZ) GA14-22593S
Institutional support: RVO:61389030
Keywords : pharmaceuticals * waste waters * degradation
Subject RIV: DJ - Water Pollution ; Quality
Permanent Link: Download Size Commentary Version Access 2014_Vanek_Legislation, Technology and Practice of Mine Land Reclamation_381.pdf 3 6 MB Other open-access - 2.0348491 - ÚEB 2011 RIV NL eng M - Monography Chapter
Vaněk, Tomáš - Podlipná, Radka - Fialová, Zuzana - Petrová, Šárka - Soudek, Petr
Uptake of Xenobiotics from Polluted Waters by Plants.
Xenobiotics in the Urban Water Cycle: Mass Flows, Environmental Processes, Mitigation and Treatment Strategies. Vol. III. Dordrecht: Springer, 2010 - (Bester, K.; Kümmerer, K.; Fatta-Kassinos, D.), s. 431-444. volume 16. ISBN 978-90-481-3508-0
R&D Projects: GA MŠMT 2B06187; GA MŠMT 2B08058
Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z50380511
Keywords : xenobiotics * decontamination * phytoremediation
Subject RIV: DK - Soil Contamination ; De-contamination incl. Pesticides
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Permanent Link: - 3.0348489 - ÚEB 2011 RIV NL eng M - Monography Chapter
Vaněk, Tomáš - Podlipná, Radka - Soudek, Petr
General factors influencing application of phytotechnology techniques.
Application of phytotechnologies for cleanup of industrial, agricultural, and wastewater contamination. Dordrecht: Springer, 2010 - (Kulakow, P.; Pidlisnyuk, V.), s. 1-13. ISBN 978-90-481-3590-5
R&D Projects: GA MŠMT 2B06187; GA MŠMT 1P05OC042
Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z50380511
Keywords : phytotechnologies * phytoremediation * METAL-CONTAMINATED SOILS
Subject RIV: EB - Genetics ; Molecular Biology
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