Search results

  1. 1.
    0568474 - GLÚ 2024 RIV CZ cze J - Journal Article
    Budil, P. - Fatka, O. - Čech, S. - Mikuláš, Radek - Nohejlová, M. - Franěk, J. - Vodička, J. - Polechová, M.
    Poznámky k faciálnímu vývoji letenského souvrství (svrchní ordovik, sandbian) v severní části pražské pánve.
    [Remarks to the facies development of the Letná Formation (Upper Ordovician, Sandbian) in the northern part of the Prague Basin.]
    Zprávy o geologických výzkumech = Geoscience Research Reports. Roč. 54, č. 2 (2021), s. 111-116. ISSN 0514-8057
    Institutional support: RVO:67985831
    Keywords : Ordovician * Teplá-Barrandian Unit * Prague Basin * Letná Formation
    OECD category: Geology
    Method of publishing: Open access
    Result website:

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  2. 2.
    0560542 - GLÚ 2023 CZ cze J - Journal Article
    Vrtiška, L. - Filippi, Michal - Franěk, J.
    Pseudoleucity z Loučné pod Klínovcem - odkrytí žíly v roce 2017.
    Minerál. Roč. 29, č. 1 (2021), s. 3-14. ISSN 1213-0710
    Institutional support: RVO:67985831
    Keywords : leucite * pseudoleucite * pseudomorphs * volcanic dyke
    OECD category: Mineralogy
    Method of publishing: Limited access
    Result website:

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  3. 3.
    0553478 - GLÚ 2023 RIV GB eng J - Journal Article
    Hrouda, F. - Franěk, J. - Gilder, S. - Chadima, Martin - Ježek, J. - Mrázová, Š. - Poňavič, M. - Racek, M.
    Lattice preferred orientation of graphite determined by the anisotropy of out-of-phase magnetic susceptibility.
    Journal of Structural Geology. Roč. 154, January (2022), č. článku 104491. ISSN 0191-8141. E-ISSN 1873-1201
    Institutional support: RVO:67985831
    Keywords : Anisotropy of out-of-phase magnetic susceptibility * Graphite * Preferred orientation * Structural implications * Bohemian massif
    OECD category: Geology
    Impact factor: 3.1, year: 2022
    Method of publishing: Limited access
    Result website:

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  4. 4.
    0524921 - GFÚ 2021 RIV GB eng J - Journal Article
    Šafanda, Jan - Verner, K. - Franěk, J. - Peřestý, V. - Holeček, J. - Fischer, T.
    Geology and geothermal potential in the eastern flank of Eger Rift (Litoměřice area, Czech Republic).
    Geothermics. Roč. 86, July (2020), č. článku 101808. ISSN 0375-6505. E-ISSN 1879-3576
    Institutional support: RVO:67985530
    Keywords : geothermal model * Eger Rift * exploratory borehole * EGS
    OECD category: Volcanology
    Impact factor: 4.284, year: 2020
    Method of publishing: Limited access
    Result website:

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  5. 5.
    0463219 - ÚSMH 2017 RIV CN eng J - Journal Article
    Nováková, Lucie - Brož, Milan - Záruba, J. - Sosna, K. - Najser, J. - Rukavičková, L. - Franěk, J. - Rudajev, V.
    Bedrock instability of underground storage systems in the Czech Republic, Central Europe.
    Applied Geophysics. Roč. 13, č. 2 (2016), s. 315-325. ISSN 1672-7975. E-ISSN 1993-0658
    R&D Projects: GA MPO(CZ) FR-TI1/367
    Institutional support: RVO:67985891 ; RVO:67985530
    Keywords : underground storage * instability * seismicity * Bohemian Massif
    Subject RIV: DD - Geochemistry
    Impact factor: 0.796, year: 2016

    Permanent Link:
  6. 6.
    0357499 - GFÚ 2011 RIV GB eng J - Journal Article
    Franěk, J. - Schulmann, K. - Lexa, O. - Ulrich, Stanislav - Štípská, P. - Haloda, J. - Týcová, P.
    Origin of felsic granulite microstructure by heterogeneous decomposition of alkali feldspar and extreme weakening of orogenic lower crust during the Variscan orogeny.
    Journal of Metamorphic Geology. Roč. 29, č. 1 (2011), s. 103-130. ISSN 0263-4929. E-ISSN 1525-1314
    R&D Projects: GA ČR GA205/09/0539
    Grant - others:GA ČR(CZ) GA205/05/2187
    Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z30120515
    Keywords : felsic granulites * Moldanubian domain * quantitative microstructural analysis * quartz and feldspar rheology * Variscan belt
    Subject RIV: DB - Geology ; Mineralogy
    Impact factor: 2.990, year: 2011

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  7. 7.
    0148307 - HIU-Y 20010058 RIV CZ cze J - Journal Article
    Vlček, Radomír - Franěk, J. - Goněc, V. - Moulis, V. - Sládek, Z. - Veber, V.
    Kontinuita ruských dějin. (Teze pražské skupiny historiků - rusistů).
    [The Continuity of the Russian History. (The These of the Prague Group of Historians-Russian Scholars).]
    Slovanský přehled. Roč. 85, č. 4 (1999), s. 537-540. ISSN 0037-6922
    Subject RIV: AB - History

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