Search results
- 1.0496201 - FZÚ 2019 PL eng A - Abstract
Stránská Matějová, J. - Horák, L. - Minárik, P. - Holý, V. - Hospodková, Alice - Grzanka, E. - Domagala, J. - Leszczynski, M.
Strain relaxation in InGaN/GaN epilayers by formation of V-pit defects: XRD experiments and numerical simulations.
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Growth of III-Nitrides ISGN-7. University of Warsaw, 2018. s. 181-181.
[International Symposium on Growth of III-Nitrides ISGN-7. 05.08.2018-10.08.2018, Warsaw]
Institutional support: RVO:68378271
Keywords : InGaN/GaN * V-pit defects * XRD * epilayers
OECD category: Condensed matter physics (including formerly solid state physics, supercond.)
Permanent Link: - 2.0463574 - ÚACH 2017 CZ eng A - Abstract
Uhrecký, Róbert - Buršík, Josef - Pulmannová, Dorota - Kužel, R. - Holý, V. - Dopita, M.
SrAl12019 thin films by chemical solution deposition and their use as buffer layers for oriented growth of hexagonal ferrites.
12th International Conference Solid State Chemistry : Book of Abstracts. Praha: University of Chemistry and Technology Prague, 2016 - (Lančok, A.). s. 52. ISBN 978-80-7080-969-3.
[International Conference Solid State Chemistry 2016 /12./. 18.09.2016-23.09.2016, Prague]
R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GA14-18392S
Institutional support: RVO:61388980
Keywords : hexagonal aluminates * thin films * hexagonal ferrites * oriented growth * chemical solution deposition
Subject RIV: CA - Inorganic Chemistry
Permanent Link: - 3.0205524 - UPT-D 20020074 CZ eng A - Abstract
Sobota, Jaroslav - Bochnicek, Z. - Holý, V. - Sorensen, G. - Vavra, I.
Mechanical properties of carbon-based nanolayer and nanocomposite films.
UIVSTA - workshop on the mechanisms of formation and applications of hardnanostructured coatings. Plzeň: IUVSTA, 2002. s. -.
[IUVSTA workshop. 20.10.2002-24.10.2002, Plzeň]
Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z2065902
Keywords : x-ray diffraction * low-angle x-ray reflection * carbon-based nanolayer
Subject RIV: JI - Composite Materials
Permanent Link: - 4.0205523 - UPT-D 20020073 SK eng A - Abstract
Sobota, Jaroslav - Bochnicek, Z. - Holý, V. - Sorensen, G.
Friction and wear properties of C-N/MeNx Nanolayer Composites.
Proceedings of 12th international conference on thin films. Bratislava: Institute of Physics, 2002 - (Majkova, E.; Luby, S.). s. 67. ISBN 80-2240-737-2.
[ICTF. 15.09.2002-20.09.2002, Bratislava]
Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z2065902
Keywords : thermal stability * friction * x-ray scattering
Subject RIV: JI - Composite Materials
Permanent Link: - 5.0205307 - UPT-D 20000086 DE eng A - Abstract
Sobota, Jaroslav - Boušek, Jaroslav - Sorensen, G. - Jensen, H. - Kuběna, J. - Holý, V.
C-N/MeN nanocomposite coatings, deposition and testing of performance.
7th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering - Conference and Exhibition. Düsseldorf: European Joint Committee on Plasma and Ion Surface Engineering, 2000. s. 248.
[PSE 2000 /7./ - Plasma Surface Engineering. 17.09.2000-21.09.2000, Garmisch-Partenkirchen]
R&D Projects: GA ČR GA101/98/0553; GA MŠMT OC 523.10
Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z2065902
Subject RIV: JI - Composite Materials
Permanent Link: - 6.0205221 - UPT-D 990115 GR eng A - Abstract
Holý, V. - Kuběna, J. - Bochníček, Z. - Sobota, Jaroslav - Vávra, I.
Investigation of Roughness Replication in Multilayers by Nonspecular X-ray Scattering.
CAMST Topical Meeting on Multilayer Technology - Collection of submitted abstracts. Athens: CAMST, 1995. s. -.
[Multilayer Technology. 04.05.1995-05.05.1995, Athens]
Subject RIV: JI - Composite Materials
Permanent Link: - 7.0205171 - UPT-D 990075 CZ eng A - Abstract
Sobota, Jaroslav - Sorensen, G. - Jensen, H. - Kubina, J. - Holý, V.
Temperature stability of C-N/NbN nanocomposite multilayers.
Abstract Book of the 10th European Conference on Diamond, Diamond-Like Materials, Carbon Nanotubes, Nitrides and Silicon Carbide. Prague: Elsevier Science, 1999. s. 5.425.
[Diamond 1999 /10./ - European Conference. 12.09.1999-17.09.1999, Prague]
R&D Projects: GA ČR GA101/98/0553
Subject RIV: JI - Composite Materials
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