Search results

  1. 1.
    0545566 - ÚOCHB 2022 RIV CZ eng J - Journal Article
    Kubelková, K. - Hubálek, Martin - Řehulka, P. - Řehulková, H. - Friedecký, D. - Žáková, J. - Macela, A.
    Molecular characterization of alcohol–ether extract from bovine tissue.
    Military Medical Science Letters. Roč. 90, č. 3 (2021), s. 120-136. ISSN 0372-7025. E-ISSN 2571-113X
    Institutional support: RVO:61388963
    Keywords : bovine tissue extract * Juvenil * molecular composition * psychobiotics * biological response modifier * antimicrobial peptides * defensin * hemocidin
    OECD category: Analytical chemistry
    Method of publishing: Open access
    Result website:
    Permanent Link:
  2. 2.
    0541608 - MBÚ 2022 RIV GB eng J - Journal Article
    Kubelková, K. - Hudcovic, Tomáš - Kozáková, Hana - Pejchal, J. - Macela, A.
    Early infection-induced natural antibody response.
    Scientific Reports. Roč. 11, č. 1 (2021), č. článku 1541. ISSN 2045-2322. E-ISSN 2045-2322
    R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GA19-08294S
    Institutional support: RVO:61388971
    Keywords : live vaccine strain * bacterium francisella-tularensis * early protective immunity * intracellular bacterium * t-cells
    OECD category: Infectious Diseases
    Impact factor: 4.997, year: 2021 ; AIS: 1.208, rok: 2021
    Method of publishing: Open access
    Result website:
    Permanent Link:
  3. 3.
    0463336 - MBÚ 2017 RIV CH eng J - Journal Article
    Kubelková, K. - Benuchová, M. - Kozáková, Hana - Šinkora, Marek - Kročová, Z. - Pejchal, J. - Macela, A.
    Gnotobiotic mouse model's contribution to understanding host-pathogen interactions.
    Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences. Roč. 73, č. 20 (2016), s. 3961-3969. ISSN 1420-682X. E-ISSN 1420-9071
    R&D Projects: GA ČR GA15-02274S
    Institutional support: RVO:61388971
    Keywords : Germ-free model * Gnotobiology * Host-pathogen interaction
    Subject RIV: EC - Immunology
    Impact factor: 5.788, year: 2016 ; AIS: 1.97, rok: 2016
    Permanent Link:
    153_gnotobiotic mouse model´s contribution to understanding.pdf3508.2 KBPublisher’s postprintrequire
  4. 4.
    0157627 - PAU-O 20033014 RIV US eng J - Journal Article
    Kročová, Z. - Macela, A. - Hernychová, L. - Kroča, M. - Pechová, Jitka - Kopecký, Jan
    Tick salivary gland extract accelerates proliferation of Francisella tularensis in the host.
    Journal of Parasitology. Roč. 89, č. 1 (2003), s. 14-20. ISSN 0022-3395. E-ISSN 1937-2345
    R&D Projects: GA ČR GA524/02/0901; GA MZd NI4700
    Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z6022909
    Keywords : salivary gland extract * tick * Francisella tularensis
    Subject RIV: EC - Immunology
    Impact factor: 1.137, year: 2003
    Permanent Link:
  5. 5.
    0157534 - PAU-O 20013139 RIV US eng J - Journal Article
    Kuthejlová, Marie - Kopecký, Jan - Štěpánová, G. - Macela, A.
    Tick salivary gland extract inhibits killing of Borrelia afzelii spirochetes by mouse macrophages.
    Infection and Immunity. Roč. 69, x (2001), s. 575-578. ISSN 0019-9567. E-ISSN 1098-5522
    Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z6022909
    Keywords : Parasitology
    Subject RIV: fp - Other Medical Disciplines
    Impact factor: 4.212, year: 2001
    Permanent Link:
  6. 6.
    0153844 - MBU-M 20010124 RIV DE eng J - Journal Article
    Hernychová, L. - Stulík, J. - Halada, Petr - Macela, A. - Kroča, M. - Johansson, T. - Malina, M.
    Construction of a Francisella tularensis two-dimensional electrophoresis protein database.
    Proteomics. Roč. 1, - (2001), s. 508-515. ISSN 1615-9853. E-ISSN 1615-9861
    R&D Projects: GA MZd NI4700
    Institutional research plan: CEZ:A53/98:Z5-020-9ii
    Subject RIV: EE - Microbiology, Virology
    Permanent Link:
  7. 7.
    0153546 - MBU-M 20000099 RIV US eng J - Journal Article
    Kovářová, H. - Hernychová, L. - Hajdúch, M. - Šírová, Milada - Macela, A.
    Influence of the Bcg locus on natural resistance to primary infection with the facultative intracellular bacterium Francisella tularensis in mice.
    Infection and Immunity. Roč. 68, č. 3 (2000), s. 1480-1484. ISSN 0019-9567. E-ISSN 1098-5522
    R&D Projects: GA ČR GA310/99/1185; GA MO MO66020398130
    Institutional research plan: CEZ:A53/98:Z5-020-9ii
    Subject RIV: EC - Immunology
    Impact factor: 4.204, year: 2000
    Permanent Link:
  8. 8.
    0152975 - MBU-M 980333 RIV DE eng J - Journal Article
    Kovářová, H. - Hajdúch, M. - Radzioch, D. - Šírová, Milada - Bláha, V. - Macela, A. - Stulík, J. - Hernychová, L.
    Natural resistance to intracellular parasites: a study by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis coupled with multivariate analysis.
    Electrophoresis. Roč. 19, - (1998), s. 1325-1331. ISSN 0173-0835. E-ISSN 1522-2683
    R&D Projects: GA ČR GA310/95/0634; GA MZd IZ3449
    Impact factor: 3.054, year: 1998
    Permanent Link:

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