Search results

  1. 1.
    0567467 - FGÚ 2023 RIV CZ eng C - Conference Paper (international conference)
    Beran, M. - Berková, E. - Musílková, Jana - Sedlář, Antonín - Slepička, P. - Fajstavr, D.
    Mineralised polylactide and polycaprolactone soft foams with hierarchical micro-macro porous structure for tissue engineering.
    NANOCON 2021 - Conference proceedings. Ostrava: Tanger Ltd., 2021, s. 298-303. ISBN 978-80-88365-00-6. ISSN 2694-930X.
    [International Conference on Nanomaterials - Research & Application /13./ NANOCON. Brno (CZ), 20.10.2021-22.10.2021]
    R&D Projects: GA MZd(CZ) NU20-08-00208
    Institutional support: RVO:67985823
    Keywords : tissue engineering * polylactide * polycarolactone * soft foams * hierarchical structure
    OECD category: Biomaterials (as related to medical implants, devices, sensors)
    Result website:

    Permanent Link:
  2. 2.
    0565866 - ÚJF 2023 RIV FR eng C - Conference Paper (international conference)
    Malinský, Petr - Novák, Josef - Štěpanovská, Eva - Slepička, P. - Švorčík, V. - Szokolova, K. - Marvan, P. - Sofer, Z. - Macková, Anna
    The multi-energetic Au ion implantation of graphene oxide and polymers.
    EPJ Web of Conferences. Vol. 261. Les ulis: EDP sciences, 2022, č. článku 02006. E-ISSN 2100-014X.
    [Applied Nuclear Physics Conference (ANPC 2021). Prague (CZ), 12.09.2021-17.09.2021]
    R&D Projects: GA ČR GA19-02482S
    Research Infrastructure: CANAM II - 90056
    Institutional support: RVO:61389005
    Keywords : GO * PET * PLLA
    OECD category: Atomic, molecular and chemical physics (physics of atoms and molecules including collision, interaction with radiation, magnetic resonances, Mössbauer effect)
    Result website:
    Permanent Link:
    0565866 .pdf0881.9 KBOpen Access - CC licencePublisher’s postprintopen-access
  3. 3.
    0565864 - ÚJF 2023 RIV FR eng C - Conference Paper (international conference)
    Cutroneo, Mariapompea - Havránek, Vladimír - Torrisi, L. - Silipigni, L. - Kováčik, L. - Malinský, Petr - Flaks, Josef - Slepička, P. - Fajstavr, D. - Janoušková, O. - Zbořilová, D. - Macková, Anna
    Nanoparticles embedded in a sponge of polydimethylsiloxane by laser ablation in liquid.
    EPJ Web of Conferences. Vol. 261. Les ulis: EDP sciences, 2022, č. článku 02005. E-ISSN 2100-014X.
    [Applied Nuclear Physics Conference (ANPC 2021). Prague (CZ), 12.09.2021-17.09.2021]
    R&D Projects: GA ČR GA19-02482S
    Research Infrastructure: NanoEnviCz II - 90124; CANAM II - 90056
    Institutional support: RVO:61389005
    Keywords : PDMS * GO * AuNPs
    OECD category: Optics (including laser optics and quantum optics)
    Result website:
    Permanent Link:
    0565864 .pdf0499.1 KBOpen Access - CC licencePublisher’s postprintopen-access
  4. 4.
    0504060 - ÚCHP 2020 CZ eng C - Conference Paper (international conference)
    Slepička, P. - Setničková, Kateřina - Petrusová, Zuzana - Slepičková-Kasálková, N. - Kolská, Z. - Siegel, J. - Jansen, J. C. - Esposito, E. - Fuoco, A. - Švorčík, V. - Izák, Pavel
    The Influence of Surface Treatment and Activation of Thin Film Composite Membranes with Plasma Discharge and Determination of Their Physicochemical Properties.
    Book of Abstracts. Prague: Czech Society of Industrial Chemistry, 2019, č. článku PC3. ISBN 978-80-88307-01-3.
    [mezinárodní chemicko-technologická konference /7./. Mikulov (CZ), 15.04.2019-17.04.2019]
    R&D Projects: GA ČR GA17-05421S
    Institutional support: RVO:67985858
    Keywords : membranes * plasma treatment * spectroscopy
    OECD category: Chemical process engineering
    Permanent Link:
    PC3-Izak.pdf1281.9 KBPublisher’s postprintopen-access
  5. 5.
    0502330 - FZÚ 2019 RIV SK eng C - Conference Paper (international conference)
    Potocký, Štěpán - Szabó, Ondrej - Ižák, Tibor - Bláhová, I.A. - Ukraintsev, Egor - Stehlík, Štěpán - Pilarčíková, I. - Finsterle, T. - Kyncl, J. - Laposa, A. - Nepovimová, E. - Musílek, K. - Kuča, K. - Slepičková Kasalková, N. - Slepička, P. - Mandys, V. - Bartoš, M. - Kopová, Ivana - Sedmera, David - Bačáková, Lucie - Kromka, Alexander
    Diamond layers for life science and environmental applications.
    Conference proceedings of the 20th School of Vacuum Technology - Nanoelectronics and Vacuum. Bratislava: Slovenská vákuová spoločnosť, 2018 - (Michalka, M.; Vincze, A.), s. 48-49. ISBN 978-80-99905-00-0.
    [School of Vacuum Technology - Nanoelectronics and Vacuum /20./. Štrbské Pleso (SK), 23.10.2018-26.10.2018]
    R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GA17-19968S
    Grant - others:OP PPR(XE) CZ.07.1.02/0.0/0.0/16_023/0000115
    Institutional support: RVO:68378271 ; RVO:67985823
    Keywords : diamond * dlc * gas sensing * diamond nanoparticles * surface treatment
    OECD category: Condensed matter physics (including formerly solid state physics, supercond.); Composites (including laminates, reinforced plastics, cermets, combined natural and synthetic fibre fabrics (FGU-C)
    Permanent Link:
  6. 6.
    0464733 - ÚFP 2017 RIV CZ eng C - Conference Paper (international conference)
    Kubatík, Tomáš František - Stoulil, J. - Stehlíková, K. - Slepička, P. - Janata, Marek
    Corrosion behavior of plasma coatings CuAl10 and CuAl50 on magnesium alloy AZ 91.
    Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Chemical Technology. Prague: Czech Society of Industrial Chemistry, 2016 - (Veselý, M.; Hrdlička, Z.; Hanika, J.; Lubojacký, J.), s. 259-264. ICCT. ISBN 978-80-86238-94-4. ISSN 2336-811X. E-ISSN 2336-8128.
    [International Conference on Chemical Technology, ICCT2016 /4./. Mikulov (CZ), 25.04.2016-27.04.2016]
    R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GP14-31538P
    Institutional support: RVO:61389021
    Keywords : magnesium alloy AZ 91 * plasma spraying * corrosion resistance
    Subject RIV: JG - Metallurgy
    Permanent Link:
  7. 7.
    0382665 - ÚJF 2013 CN eng C - Conference Paper (international conference)
    Macková, Anna - Malinský, Petr - Mikšová, Romana - Toms, Petr - Khaibullin, R. I. - Valeev, V. F. - Švorčík, V. - Slepička, P.
    The structural changes in polymers PEEK, PET and PI Implanted Co+ low energy ions.
    Program and Abstract Book. 2012, s. 1-8.
    [The 18th International Conference on Ion Beam Modifications of Materials. Qingdao (CN), 02.09.2012-07.09.2012]
    R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GBP108/12/G108
    Institutional support: RVO:61389005
    Keywords : polymers * implantations * RBS * ERDA
    Subject RIV: BG - Nuclear, Atomic and Molecular Physics, Colliders
    Permanent Link:
  8. 8.
    0189080 - UMCH-V 20033033 RIV SK cze C - Conference Paper (international conference)
    Slepička, P. - Rybka, V. - Špírková, Milena - Zehentner, J. - Švorčíková, J. - Švorčík, V.
    Charakterizace ultra-tenkých kovových vrstev.
    [Characterization of ultra-thin metal layers.]
    Zborník prednášok. Dubnica nad Váhom: ZTSMTEC, a.s., Dubnica nad Váhom, 2003, s. 141-145. ISBN 80-968337-1-5.
    [Vrstvy a povlaky. Trenčín (SK), 22.05.2003-23.05.2003]
    R&D Projects: GA AV ČR KSK4050111
    Keywords : gold layer * electrical resistance * surface profile
    Subject RIV: CD - Macromolecular Chemistry
    Permanent Link:
  9. 9.
    0101482 - UMCH-V 20043202 RIV SK cze C - Conference Paper (international conference)
    Špírková, Milena - Matějíček, P. - Slepička, P.
    Charakterizace nanostruktur a nanočástic s využitím mikroskopie atomových sil (AFM).
    [Characterization of nanostructures and nanoparticles using atomic force microscopy.]
    Zborník. Bratislava: Ústav polymérov, 2004, s. 24-26.
    [Slovensko-české dni o polyméroch /3./. Smolenice (SK), 26.09.2004-29.09.2004]
    R&D Projects: GA AV ČR KSK4050111; GA ČR GA102/03/0449
    Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z4050913
    Keywords : atomic force microscopy * surface morphology * nanoparticles
    Subject RIV: JA - Electronics ; Optoelectronics, Electrical Engineering
    Permanent Link:

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