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- 1.0207752 - USMH-B 20010120 US eng A - Abstract
Sýkorová, Ivana - Suchý, Václav - Melka, Karel - Šafanda, Jan - Machovič, V. - Dobeš, P.
Petrology na chemistry of organic matter from Silurian shales in the Barrandian Basin.
Abstract - 17th Annual meeting of The Society for Organic Petrology. Bloomington: Society for Organic Petrology, 2000 - (Mastalerz, M.). s. 94-96. ISSN 1060-7250.
[Annual meeting of The Society for Organic Petrology/17./. 17.09.2000-20.09.2000, Bloomington]
R&D Projects: GA AV ČR IAA3012703
Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z3046908
Subject RIV: DB - Geology ; Mineralogy
Permanent Link: - 2.0207702 - USMH-B 20010070 CZ eng A - Abstract
Sýkorová, Ivana - Suchý, Václav - Machovič, V. - Novotná, M. - Stejskal, M. - Šafanda, Jan
Petrological and chemical composition of organic matter from Silurian shales in the Barrandian Basin.
Abstracts- 9th Coal Geology Conference. Praha: Přírodovědecká fakulta UK, 2001 - (Pešek, J.; Opluštil, S.; Pešková, J.). s. 66
[Coal Geology Conference/9./. 25.06.2001-30.06.2001, Praha]
R&D Projects: GA AV ČR IAA3012703
Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z3046908
Subject RIV: DB - Geology ; Mineralogy
Permanent Link: - 3.0207100 - USMH-B 970003 FR eng A - Abstract
Eckhardtová, Šárka - Suchý, Václav - Sýkorová, Ivana - Dobeš, P. - Stejskal, M.
Contact metamofphism of graptolite rich black shales by basaltic sills: implications for the origin of hydrothermal petroleum.
Terra Nova, Abstract supplement No 1. Strasbourg: European Union of Geosciences, 1997. s. 547.
[European Union of Geosciences. 23.03.1997-27.03.1997, Strasbourg]
R&D Projects: GA AV ČR IAA3012703
Permanent Link: - 4.0144701 - GLU-S 980019 CZ eng A - Abstract
Sedláčková, V. - Stejskal, M. - Suchý, Václav - Kubelka, V. - Novák, M. (ed.) - Janoušek, V. (ed.) - Košler, J. (ed.)
The occurence and analysis of crude-oil indicia in the Barrandian basin. In: MAEG - 10 Challenges to Chemical Geology. Abstracts.
Journal of the Czech Geological Society/Časopis České geologické společnosti. Česká geologická společnost. Roč. 42, č. 3 (1997), s. 72. ISSN 1210-8197.
[Meeting Association of European Geological Societies /10./ Challenges to Chemical Geology. 01.09.1997-05.09.1997, Karlovy Vary]
R&D Projects: GA AV ČR IAA3012703
Result website:
Permanent Link: - 5.0144331 - GLU-S 970122 DB eng A - Abstract
Suchý, Václav - Zeman, Antonín - Bosák, Pavel - Dobeš, P. - Hladíková, J. - Jacková, I.
Hydrothermal calcite veins and the origin of caves in the Lower Palaeozoic of the Barrandian Basin, Czech Republic: evidence of extensive (post?) Variscan fluid flow.
Abstracts. Gaea heidelbergensis. Heidelberg: Institute of Geology and Palaeontology, RuprechtKarlsUniversity, 1997 - (Bechstädt, T.; Bengtson, P.; Greiling, R.; Schweizer, V.). s. 325
[Gaea heidelbergensis. Regional European Meeting of Sedimentology /18./. 02.09.1997-04.09.1997, Heidelberg]
R&D Projects: GA AV ČR IAA3012703
Permanent Link: