Search results

  1. 1.
    0411004 - UTIA-B 20020218 CZ cze V - Research Report
    Bůcha, Jindřich
    Experimentální učící se systém. Dokumentace software.
    [Experimental Learning System. Software Documentation.]
    Praha: ÚTIA AV ČR, 2002. 345 s. Research Report, 2062.
    R&D Projects: GA ČR GA102/99/1564
    Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z1075907
    Keywords : machine learning * objects * integration
    Subject RIV: JC - Computer Hardware ; Software
    Permanent Link:
  2. 2.
    0410902 - UTIA-B 20020116 CZ cze V - Research Report
    Pavelková, Lenka
    Webovské stránky oddělení AS.
    [WWW pages of Department of Adaptive Systems.]
    Praha: ÚTIA AV ČR, 2002. 11 s. Research Report, 2043.
    R&D Projects: GA ČR GA102/99/1564
    Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z1075907
    Keywords : www pages
    Subject RIV: BC - Control Systems Theory
    Permanent Link:
  3. 3.
    0410759 - UTIA-B 20010228 CZ eng V - Research Report
    He, Li - Kárný, Miroslav
    Mixture Estimation for Processing Dynamic Multivariate Data.
    Praha: ÚTIA AV ČR, 2001. 24 s. Research Report, 2024.
    R&D Projects: GA ČR GA102/99/1564; GA AV ČR IBS1075102
    Institutional research plan: AV0Z1075907
    Keywords : Mixture * ARMAX
    Subject RIV: BD - Theory of Information
    Permanent Link:
  4. 4.
    0410746 - UTIA-B 20010215 CZ eng V - Research Report
    Gebouský, Petr
    On Modeling & Estimation Problems with ARMAX Model.
    Praha: ÚTIA AV ČR, 2001. 43 s. Research Report, 2041.
    R&D Projects: GA ČR GA102/99/1564
    Institutional research plan: AV0Z1075907
    Subject RIV: BD - Theory of Information
    Permanent Link:
  5. 5.
    0410732 - UTIA-B 20010201 CZ eng V - Research Report
    Novák, Miroslav
    Prior Design of Multivariate Adaptive Control.
    Praha: ÚTIA AV ČR, 2001. 25 s. Research Report, 2033.
    R&D Projects: GA ČR GA102/99/1564; GA AV ČR IBS1075102
    Institutional research plan: AV0Z1075907
    Keywords : adaptive LQG controller tuning
    Subject RIV: BC - Control Systems Theory
    Permanent Link:
  6. 6.
    0410731 - UTIA-B 20010200 CZ eng V - Research Report
    Kracík, Jan
    Estimation of Mixtures with Markov Factors.
    Praha: ÚTIA AV ČR, 2001. 32 s. Research Report, 2029.
    R&D Projects: GA ČR GA102/99/1564
    Institutional research plan: AV0Z1075907
    Keywords : markov factor mixture estimation
    Subject RIV: BB - Applied Statistics, Operational Research
    Permanent Link:
  7. 7.
    0410652 - UTIA-B 20010121 CZ cze V - Research Report
    Nagy, Ivan
    Rozhodování a řízení v dopravě. Část II. Identifikace a řízení.
    [Decision Making and Control in Transportation. Part II. Identification and Control.]
    Praha: ÚTIA AV ČR, 2001. 75 s. Research Report, 2022.
    R&D Projects: GA ČR GA102/99/1564; GA AV ČR KSK1075601
    Institutional research plan: AV0Z1075907
    Subject RIV: BC - Control Systems Theory
    Result website:
    Permanent Link:
    410652.pdf1693 KBOtheropen-access
  8. 8.
    0410598 - UTIA-B 20010067 CZ eng V - Research Report
    Andrýsek, Josef
    Initiation Options in Estimation of Dynamic Mixtures.
    Praha: ÚTIA AV ČR, 2001. 57 s. Research Report, 2030.
    R&D Projects: GA ČR GA102/99/1564
    Grant - others:IST(XE) 1999/12058
    Institutional research plan: AV0Z1075907
    Subject RIV: BB - Applied Statistics, Operational Research
    Result website:
    Permanent Link:
    0410598.pdf0698.6 KBOtheropen-access
  9. 9.
    0410527 - UTIA-B 20000243 CZ eng V - Research Report
    He, Li - Kárný, Miroslav
    About a New Solution on Oblique Rotation in Factor Analysis.
    Praha: ÚTIA AV ČR, 2000. 6 s. Research Report, 1998.
    R&D Projects: GA ČR GA102/99/1564
    Institutional research plan: AV0Z1075907
    Permanent Link:
  10. 10.
    0410493 - UTIA-B 20000209 CZ cze V - Research Report
    Nagy, Ivan
    Rozhodování a řízení v dopravě. Část 1. Základy.
    [Decision and Control in Transport. Part I. Foundamentals.]
    Praha: ÚTIA AV ČR, 2000. 55 s. Research Report, 2003.
    R&D Projects: GA ČR GA102/99/1564
    Institutional research plan: AV0Z1075907
    Result website:
    Permanent Link:
    410493.pdf1550.1 KBOtheropen-access

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