Search results
- 1.0410499 - UTIA-B 20000215 CZ eng A - Abstract
Heřmanská, J. - Šámal, M. - Zimák, J. - Jirsa, Ladislav - Kárný, Miroslav
Prediction of absorbed therapeutic dose from short diagnostic measurements. Abstract.
Praha: RPS of Czech Medical Association, 2000. Conference Abstracts of XXIII Days of Radiation Protection. - (Losinská, J.). s. 7-9
[Days of Radiation Protection /23./. 28.11.2000-01.12.2000, Jáchymov]
R&D Projects: GA ČR GA102/99/1564
Grant - others:IGA MZ(CZ) NC4581
Institutional research plan: AV0Z1075907
Permanent Link: - 2.0410353 - UTIA-B 20000069 DE eng A - Abstract
Heřmanská, J. - Kárný, Miroslav - Zimák, J. - Jirsa, Ladislav - Šámal, M.
Improved Correspondence between Projected and Measured Doses of I-131 Using the New Kinetic Model. Abstract.
Berlin: Springer, 2000. Congress of the European Association of Nuclear Medicine. s. 917
[Congress of the European Association of Nuclear Medicine. 02.09.2000-06.09.2000, Paris]
R&D Projects: GA ČR GA102/99/1564
Grant - others:MZ(CZ) NC4581
Institutional research plan: AV0Z1075907
Permanent Link: