Search results
- 1.0041570 - ÚT 2007 RIV NL eng C - Conference Paper (international conference)
Gabriel, Dušan - Plešek, Jiří - Valeš, František - Okrouhlík, Miloslav
Symetry preserving algorithm for a dynamic contact-impact problem.
[Symetrický kontaktní algoritmus pro řešení dynamických rázových úloh.]
III European Conference on Computational Mechanics. Dordrecht: Springer, 2006 - (Mota Soares, C.; Martins, J.; Rodrigues, H.; Ambrosio, J.), s. 1-7. ISBN 1-4020-4994-3.
[European Conference on Computational Mechanics /3./. Lisabon (PT), 05.06.2006-08.06.2006]
R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GP101/03/D153; GA ČR(CZ) GA101/06/0914; GA ČR(CZ) GA101/06/0213; GA AV ČR(CZ) 1ET400760509
Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z20760514
Keywords : contact-impact * Gaus point search * explicit dynamics
Subject RIV: JJ - Other Materials
Permanent Link: - 2.0025543 - ÚT 2006 RIV ES eng C - Conference Paper (international conference)
Plešek, Jiří - Gabriel, Dušan - Hlaváček, Ivan
Using the worst scenario method for error and scatter estimation in elasto-plastic analysis.
[Použití metody nejhoršího scénáře pro odhad chyby a rozptylu v elasto-plastické úloze.]
Computational Plasticity VIII-Fundamentals and Applications. Barcelona: International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2005 - (Owen, D.; Onate, E.; Suarez, B.), s. 1134-1137. ISBN 84-95999-79-X.
[International Conference on Computational Plasticity /8./ : COMPLAS VIII. Barcelona (ES), 05.09.2005-07.05.2005]
R&D Projects: GA ČR GA101/03/0331; GA ČR(CZ) GP101/03/D153
Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z20760514
Keywords : uncertain input data * validation of plasticity models * worst scenario
Subject RIV: JJ - Other Materials
Permanent Link: Download Size Commentary Version Access Hlavacek1.pdf 0 100.6 KB Publisher’s postprint require - 3.0025541 - ÚT 2006 RIV ES eng C - Conference Paper (international conference)
Gabriel, Dušan - Plešek, Jiří
Implementation of the pre-discretization penalty method in contact problems.
[Implementace pre-diskretizační penaltové metody v kontaktních úlohách.]
Computational Plasticity VIII-Fundamentals and Applications. Barcelona: International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2005 - (Owen, D.; Onate, E.; Suarez, B.), s. 839-842. ISBN 84-95999-79-X.
[International Conference on Computational Plasticity /8./ : COMPLAS VIII. Barcelona (ES), 05.09.2005-07.05.2005]
R&D Projects: GA ČR GA101/03/0331; GA ČR(CZ) GP101/03/D153
Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z20760514
Keywords : contact * Gauss point search * contact patch test
Subject RIV: JC - Computer Hardware ; Software
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