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- 1.0025869 - ÚMCH 2006 RIV AT eng M - Monography Chapter
Baldrian, Josef - Steinhart, Miloš - Sikora, Antonín - Amenitsch, H. - Bernstorff, S. - Staneva, B.
Influence of symmetrical tri-block copolymers to the structure development in polymer blends.
[Vliv symetrických trojblokových kopolymerů na strukturní vývoj v polymerních směsích.]
Annual Report 2004. Graz: Institute of Biophysics and X-ray Structure Research, 2005, s. 93-94
R&D Projects: GA ČR GA203/03/0611
Keywords : triblock copolymer * blends * structure development
Subject RIV: CD - Macromolecular Chemistry
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