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  1. 1.
    0587383 - FZÚ DATA Scientific data      2024
    Vaněček, Vojtěch - Král, Robert - Křehlíková, Kateřina - Kučerková, Romana - Babin, Vladimir - Zemenová, Petra - Rohlíček, Jan - Málková, Zuzana - Jurkovičová, Terézia - Nikl, Martin

    Description: All data are stored in compresed .zip file called "". Descriptive names are used for each file. Images are stored as ".png" files. Data are sored as tab delimeted text files ".txt".
    Following files are contained in "":
    Abs_Li2MnCl4_Ce.txt - two column (xy type) absorption data for Li2MnCl4:Ce sample
    Abs_Li2MnCl4_Eu.txt - two column (xy type) absorption data for Li2MnCl4:Eu sample
    Abs_Li2MnCl4_undoped.txt - two column (xy type) absorption data for undoped Li2MnCl4 sample
    Fig_1.png - portable network graphic file with collage of photos of as-gwon crystals and respective cut and polished samples
    Fig_9_PL_decay_Li2MnCl4_Eu_ex_339nm_em_405nm.txt - photoluminescence decay kinetics data for Li2MnCl4:Eu measured with excitation wavelength of 339 nm and emission wavelength of 405 nm. Instrument response function and result of convolutional fitting are included in columns 1-2 and 5-6 respectively.
    PLE_Li2MnCl4_Ce_em_670nm.txt - two column (xy type) photoluminescence exitation spectra for Li2MnCl4:Ce sample measured with emission wavelength of 670 nm
    PLE_Li2MnCl4_Ce_em_770nm.txt - two column (xy type) photoluminescence exitation spectra for Li2MnCl4:Ce sample measured with emission wavelength of 770 nm
    PLE_Li2MnCl4_Eu_em_410nm.txt - two column (xy type) photoluminescence exitation spectra for Li2MnCl4:Eu sample measured with emission wavelength of 410 nm
    PLE_Li2MnCl4_Eu_em_670nm.txt - two column (xy type) photoluminescence exitation spectra for Li2MnCl4:Eu sample measured with emission wavelength of 670 nm
    PLE_Li2MnCl4_Eu_em_770nm.txt - two column (xy type) photoluminescence exitation spectra for Li2MnCl4:Eu sample measured with emission wavelength of 770 nm
    PLE_Li2MnCl4_undoped_em_620nm.txt - two column (xy type) photoluminescence exitation spectra for undoped Li2MnCl4 sample measured with emission wavelength of 620 nm
    PL_Li2MnCl4_Ce_ex_330nm.txt - two column (xy type) photoluminescence emission spectra for Li2MnCl4:Ce sample measured with excitation wavelength of 330 nm
    PL_Li2MnCl4_Ce_ex_370nm.txt - two column (xy type) photoluminescence emission spectra for Li2MnCl4:Ce sample measured with excitation wavelength of 370 nm
    PL_Li2MnCl4_Ce_ex_450nm.txt - two column (xy type) photoluminescence emission spectra for Li2MnCl4:Ce sample measured with excitation wavelength of 450 nm
    PL_Li2MnCl4_Eu_ex_280nm.txt - two column (xy type) photoluminescence emission spectra for Li2MnCl4:Eu sample measured with excitation wavelength of 280 nm
    PL_Li2MnCl4_Eu_ex_340nm.txt - two column (xy type) photoluminescence emission spectra for Li2MnCl4:Eu sample measured with excitation wavelength of 340 nm
    PL_Li2MnCl4_Eu_ex_445nm.txt - two column (xy type) photoluminescence emission spectra for Li2MnCl4:Eu sample measured with excitation wavelength of 445 nm
    PL_Li2MnCl4_undoped_ex_330nm.txt - two column (xy type) photoluminescence emission spectra for undoped Li2MnCl4 sample measured with excitation wavelength of 330 nm
    PL_Li2MnCl4_undoped_ex_370nm.txt - two column (xy type) photoluminescence emission spectra for undoped Li2MnCl4 sample measured with excitation wavelength of 370 nm
    PL_Li2MnCl4_undoped_ex_420nm.txt - two column (xy type) photoluminescence emission spectra for undoped Li2MnCl4 sample measured with excitation wavelength of 420 nm
    PL_Li2MnCl4_undoped_ex_450nm.txt - two column (xy type) photoluminescence emission spectra for undoped Li2MnCl4 sample measured with excitation wavelength of 450 nm
    RL_BGO_reference_PMT.txt - two column (xy type) radioluminescence spectra for Bi4Ge3O12 reference sample measured with photomultiplier tube as photodetector
    RL_Li2MnCl4_Ce_CCD.txt - two column (xy type) radioluminescence spectra for Li2MnCl4:Ce sample measured with chrage coupled device as photodetector
    RL_Li2MnCl4_Ce_glued.txt - two column (xy type) numerically glued (photomultiplier tube and chrage coupled device) radioluminescence spectra for Li2MnCl4:Ce sample
    RL_Li2MnCl4_Ce_PMT.txt - two column (xy type) radioluminescence spectra for Li2MnCl4:Ce sample measured with photomultiplier tube as photodetector
    RL_Li2MnCl4_Eu_CCD.txt - two column (xy type) radioluminescence spectra for Li2MnCl4:Eu sample measured with chrage coupled device as photodetector
    RL_Li2MnCl4_Eu_glued.txt - two column (xy type) numerically glued (photomultiplier tube and chrage coupled device) radioluminescence spectra for Li2MnCl4:Eu sample
    RL_Li2MnCl4_Eu_PMT.txt - two column (xy type) radioluminescence spectra for Li2MnCl4:Eu sample measured with photomultiplier tube as photodetector
    RL_Li2MnCl4_undoped_CCD.txt - two column (xy type) radioluminescence spectra for undoped Li2MnCl4 sample measured with chrage coupled device as photodetector
    RL_Li2MnCl4_undoped_glued.txt - two column (xy type) numerically glued (photomultiplier tube and chrage coupled device) radioluminescence spectra for undoped Li2MnCl4 sample
    RL_Li2MnCl4_undoped_PMT.txt - two column (xy type) radioluminescence spectra for undoped Li2MnCl4 sample measured with photomultiplier tube as photodetector
    XRPD_Li2MnCl4_Ce.txt - two column (xy type) X-ray powder diffraction data for Li2MnCl4:Ce sample
    XRPD_Li2MnCl4_Eu.txt - two column (xy type) X-ray powder diffraction data for Li2MnCl4:Eu sample
    XRPD_Li2MnCl4_undoped.txt - two column (xy type) X-ray powder diffraction data for undoped Li2MnCl4 sample

    Keywords : x-ray diffraction * absorption * steady state photoluminescence * photoluminescence kinetics * radioluminescence
    OECD category: Condensed matter physics (including formerly solid state physics, supercond.)
    Depositor: admin
    Date of release: 3.7.2024

         License: CC BY 4.0 - Attribution-International license
    File DownloadSizeCommentaryAccess File list18.4 MBopen-access
    R&D Projects: GA MŠMT(CZ) EH22_008/0004596
    Institutional support: RVO:68378271
  2. 2.
    0586898 - FZÚ DATA Scientific data      2024
    Remeš, Zdeněk - Babčenko, Oleg - Jarý, Vítězslav - Beranová, Klára

    Dataset for Enhanced photoluminescence of plasma treated recycled glass particles.
    Version 2      

    Description: Figure 1. Recycled soda-lime glass powder is a sustainable material that is also often considered as a filler in cement-based composites. The changes in the surface properties of the glass particles due to the treatments were analyzed by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and optical spectroscopy. We have found, that there is a relatively high level of carbon contamination on the surface of glass particles (around 30 at.%), so plasma technology and thermal annealing were tested for the surface cleaning. Room temperature plasma treatment was not sufficient to remove carbon contamination from the surface of recycled glass particles.
    Instead, the room temperature plasma treatment of recycled soda-lime glass particles leads to a significant enhancement of their room temperature photoluminescence (PL) by increasing the intensity and accelerating the decay of the photolu-minescence. The enhanced blue PL after room temperature plasma treatment was attributed to the presence of carbon contamination on the glass surface and associated charge surface and interfacial defects and interfacial states. Therefore, we propose blue photoluminescence under UV LED as a fast and inexpensive method to indicate carbon contamination on the surface of glass particles.

    Figure 2. The normalized FTIR absorbance spectra measured in FTIR spectrometer with ATR accessory after low pressure plasma treatment at room temperature (a) and at 500°C (b).

    Figure 3. IR Raman spectra measured in FTIR spectrometer with 1064 nm laser excitation after low pressure plasma treatment at room temperature (a) and at 500°C (b).

    Figure 4. C 1s (a), and O 1s (b) XPS spectra (from top to bottom) for the “As received” sample, the samples treated in H2, O2, and N2 plasma at room temperature, annealed in H2, O2, and N2 atmosphere at 500°C, and annealed in H2, O2, and N2 plasma at 500°C. Dots represent measured data, black lines results of fits, colored lines fitting components. Peaks shaded by grey originate from carbon-oxygen contamination.

    Figure 5. Ratio of selected components derived from fitting XPS spectra. We use following labels for simplification: BO: Si-O-Si bridging oxygen, NBO: Si-O-M non-bridging oxygen, H2O: oxygen from hydrous species bound to silicon (H2O, Si-OH), CO: carbon-oxygen contaminations (C-O(H), C=O, COOH), C: atomic concentration of carbon normalized to 1. The absolute uncertainty was esti-mated to be of ± 0.2 and not included in the graph for better clarity. It should be noted that a sub-stantial portion of the uncertainty is given by a systematic approach of data analysis (same in all cases) resulting in high reliability of data trends.

    Figure 6. PL spectra of treated glass powder oxygen plasma. “RT plasma”, resp. “500°C plasma” represents the PL spectra measured after room temperature, resp. 500°C O2 plasma treatment, The PL spectra of as received and annealed at 500°C in O2 atmosphere (no plasma) glass powder were added for comparison.

    Figure 7. PL spectra of room temperature H2 plasma treated glass powder using sinusoidal UV LED excitation at frequency of 100 kHz (a). The curve with error bars corresponds to the spectrally re-solved mean PL decay time τ calculated from the phase shift between the excitation and the emis-sion spectra. The time resolved PL emission measured by TCSPC at 450 nm is shown in (b). The instrumental response function measured at the excitation pulse wavelength (excitation pulse shape) and fitted curve were added for comparison. All measurements were done at RT.

    Popis změny dat: A .tif file called Figure 1 was added to the dataset.
    Keywords : recycling * silicon dioxide * glass * plasma * annealing * photoluminescence * Raman spectroscopy * X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy
    OECD category: Condensed matter physics (including formerly solid state physics, supercond.)
    Depositor: admin
    Date of release: 18.6.2024

         License: CC BY 4.0 - Attribution-International license
    File DownloadSizeCommentaryAccess File list135.1 MBopen-access
    Version number Description of change SubmitterPublished
    Version 2A .tif file called Figure 1 was added to the dataset.admin 18.6.2024
    Version 1admin 17.6.2024
    R&D Projects: GA MŠMT(CZ) GA23-05500S; GA MŠMT(CZ) 8X23025; GA MŠMT LM2023051; GA MŠMT(CZ) EH22_008/0004596
    Institutional support: RVO:68378271
  3. 3.
    0586873 - FZÚ DATA Scientific data      2024
    Remeš, Zdeněk - Babčenko, Oleg - Jarý, Vítězslav - Beranová, Klára

    Dataset for Enhanced photoluminescence of plasma treated recycled glass particles.
    Version 1      There is a newer version of the dataset

    Description: Figure 2. The normalized FTIR absorbance spectra measured in FTIR spectrometer with ATR accessory after low pressure plasma treatment at room temperature (a) and at 500°C (b).

    Figure 3. IR Raman spectra measured in FTIR spectrometer with 1064 nm laser excitation after low pressure plasma treatment at room temperature (a) and at 500°C (b).

    Figure 4. C 1s (a), and O 1s (b) XPS spectra (from top to bottom) for the “As received” sample, the samples treated in H2, O2, and N2 plasma at room temperature, annealed in H2, O2, and N2 atmosphere at 500°C, and annealed in H2, O2, and N2 plasma at 500°C. Dots represent measured data, black lines results of fits, colored lines fitting components. Peaks shaded by grey originate from carbon-oxygen contamination.

    Figure 5. Ratio of selected components derived from fitting XPS spectra. We use following labels for simplification: BO: Si-O-Si bridging oxygen, NBO: Si-O-M non-bridging oxygen, H2O: oxygen from hydrous species bound to silicon (H2O, Si-OH), CO: carbon-oxygen contaminations (C-O(H), C=O, COOH), C: atomic concentration of carbon normalized to 1. The absolute uncertainty was esti-mated to be of ± 0.2 and not included in the graph for better clarity. It should be noted that a sub-stantial portion of the uncertainty is given by a systematic approach of data analysis (same in all cases) resulting in high reliability of data trends.

    Figure 6. PL spectra of treated glass powder oxygen plasma. “RT plasma”, resp. “500°C plasma” represents the PL spectra measured after room temperature, resp. 500°C O2 plasma treatment, The PL spectra of as received and annealed at 500°C in O2 atmosphere (no plasma) glass powder were added for comparison.

    Figure 7. PL spectra of room temperature H2 plasma treated glass powder using sinusoidal UV LED excitation at frequency of 100 kHz (a). The curve with error bars corresponds to the spectrally re-solved mean PL decay time τ calculated from the phase shift between the excitation and the emis-sion spectra. The time resolved PL emission measured by TCSPC at 450 nm is shown in (b). The instrumental response function measured at the excitation pulse wavelength (excitation pulse shape) and fitted curve were added for comparison. All measurements were done at RT.

    Keywords : recycling * silicon dioxide * glass * plasma * annealing * photoluminescence * Raman spectroscopy * X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy
    OECD category: Condensed matter physics (including formerly solid state physics, supercond.)
    Depositor: admin
    Date of release: 17.6.2024

         License: CC BY 4.0 - Attribution-International license
    File DownloadSizeCommentaryAccess File list162.7 MBopen-access
    Version number Description of change SubmitterPublished
    Version 2A .tif file called Figure 1 was added to the dataset.admin 18.6.2024
    Version 1admin 17.6.2024
    R&D Projects: GA MŠMT(CZ) GA23-05500S; GA MŠMT(CZ) 8X23025; GA MŠMT LM2023051; GA MŠMT(CZ) EH22_008/0004596
    Institutional support: RVO:68378271
  4. 4.
    0586288 - FZÚ DATA Scientific data      2024
    Ryabchikov, Yury V. - Mirza, M. Inam - Flimelová, Miroslava - Kaňa, A. - Romanyuk, Olexandr

    Dataset for Merging of Bi-Modality of Ultrafast Laser Processing: Heating of Si/Au Nanocomposite Solutions with Controlled Chemical Content.

    Description: The dataset contains the original data of experimental measurements for the manuscript submitted to the journal Nanomaterials:
    Authors: Yury V. Ryabchikov, Inam Mirza, Miroslava Flimelová, Antonin Kana and Oleksandr Romanyuk
    Title: Volumetric Modification of Transparent Materials with Two-Color Laser Irradiation: Insight from Numerical Modeling
    Submission date: January 3, 2024
    The detailed description of each file in the format *.png is given in the txt-file ReadMe.
    The data were used to produce figures presented in the manuscript.

    Keywords : ultrafast laser processing * silicon nanoparticles * plasmonic nanoparticles * Si-Au composite nanoparticles * nanocomposites * laser ablation * hyperthermia * photo-thermal therapy
    OECD category: Nano-materials (production and properties)
    Depositor: admin
    Date of release: 31.5.2024
    ASEP publication:
    Merging of Bi-modality of ultrafast laser processing: Heating of Si/Au nanocomposite solutions with controlled chemical content

         License: CC BY 4.0 - Attribution-International license
    File DownloadSizeCommentaryAccess File list245.1 MBopen-access
    R&D Projects: GA MŠMT(CZ) EH22_008/0004596
    Institutional support: RVO:68378271
  5. 5.
    0586175 - FZÚ DATA Scientific data      2024
    Peřina, J. - Thapliyal, K. - Haderka, Ondřej - Michálek, Václav - Machulka, Radek

    Data for plots in Sub-Poissonian twin beams.

    Description: The files are related to the manuscript „Sub-Poissonian twin beams“ (Optica Quantum 2, 148-155 (2024)). Detailed description is contained in the file Description.txt that is included in the dataset.
    Keywords : quantum optics * nonclassical states of light * entanglement * photons * quantum correlation
    OECD category: Optics (including laser optics and quantum optics)
    Depositor: admin
    Date of release: 29.5.2024
    ASEP publication:
    Sub-Poissonian twin beams

         License: CC BY 4.0 - Attribution-International license
    File DownloadSizeCommentaryAccess
    Data for plots in Sub-Poissonian twin File list18487.1 KBopen-access
    R&D Projects: GA MŠMT(CZ) EH22_008/0004596
    Institutional support: RVO:68378271
  6. 6.
    0586145 - FZÚ DATA Scientific data      2024
    Suthar, P. - Trojánek, F. - Malý, F. - Derrien, Thibault - Kozák, M.

    Dataset for Momentum-dependent intraband high harmonic generation in a photodoped indirect semiconductor.

    Description: The dataset contains the original data of numerical calculations for the manuscript submitted to the journal Comm. Phys.:
    Authors: Pawan Suthar, Frantisek Trojanek, Petr Maly, Thibault J.-Y. Derrien, Martin Kozak
    Title: Momentum-dependent intraband high harmonic generation in a photodoped indirect semiconductor
    Submission date: February 14, 2024
    The detailed description of each file in the format *.csv is given in the markup file
    The data were used to produce figures 1e-f and 3b presented in the manuscript.

    Keywords : band structure * silicon * density functional theory * numerical modeling * materials science
    OECD category: Condensed matter physics (including formerly solid state physics, supercond.)
    Depositor: admin
    Date of release: 24.5.2024
    ASEP publication:
    Momentum-dependent intraband high harmonic generation in a photodoped indirect semiconductor

         License: CC BY 4.0 - Attribution-International license
    R&D Projects: GA MŠMT(CZ) EH22_008/0004596; GA MŠMT(CZ) EH22_008/0004594
    Institutional support: RVO:68378271
  7. 7.
    0586141 - FZÚ DATA Scientific data      2024
    Gatsa, Oleksandr - Tahir, S. - Flimelová, Miroslava - Riahi, F. - Donate-Buendia, C. - Gökce, B. - Bulgakov, Alexander

    Dataset for Unveiling fundamentals of multi-beam pulsed laser ablation in liquids toward scaling up nanoparticle production.

    Description: The dataset contains the original experimental data for the manuscript submitted to the journal Nanomaterials:
    Authors: Oleksandr Gatsa, Shabbir Tahir, Miroslava Flimelová, Farbod Riahi, Carlos Doñate-Buendia, Bilal Gökce, and Alexander V. Bulgakov
    Title: Unveiling fundamentals of multi-beam pulsed laser ablation in liquids toward scaling up nanoparticle production
    Submission date: January 11, 2024
    The detailed description of each file in the formats *.dat and *.tif is given in the txt-file ReadMe.
    The data were used to produce figures presented in the manuscript.

    Keywords : pulsed laser ablation in liquids * high-entropy alloys * diffractive optical elements * nanoparticle yield * beam splitting * cavitation bubble
    OECD category: Nano-materials (production and properties)
    Depositor: admin
    Date of release: 24.5.2024
    ASEP publication:
    Unveiling fundamentals of multi-beam pulsed laser ablation in liquids toward scaling up nanoparticle production

         License: CC BY 4.0 - Attribution-International license
    File DownloadSizeCommentaryAccess
    Dataset_Gatsa et File list183.8 MBopen-access
    R&D Projects: GA MŠMT(CZ) EH22_008/0004596
    Institutional support: RVO:68378271
  8. 8.
    0586124 - FZÚ DATA Scientific data      2024
    Vaněček, Vojtěch - Jarý, Vítězslav - Král, Robert - Havlák, Lubomír - Vlk, Aleš - Kučerková, Romana - Průša, Petr - Bárta, Jan - Nikl, Martin

    Dataset for Growth and Spectroscopic Properties of Pr3+-Doped Lu2S3 Single

    Description: Files in the dataset follow the structure of the manuscript e. i. each file is named according to the relevant entry in the manuscript (*_fig1, *_tab1 etc.). All the data are stored in tab delimited text files with extension .txt. The headers describe content of each column including units.
    Keywords : Lutetium sulfide * crystal growth * scintillator * luminescence * micro-pulling-down
    OECD category: Condensed matter physics (including formerly solid state physics, supercond.)
    Depositor: admin
    Date of release: 23.5.2024
    ASEP publication:
    Growth and spectroscopic properties of Pr3+ doped Lu2S3 single crystals

         License: CC BY 4.0 - Attribution-International license
    File DownloadSizeCommentaryAccess File list2311.7 MBopen-access
    R&D Projects: GA MŠMT(CZ) EH22_008/0004596; GA MŠMT LM2023051
    Institutional support: RVO:68378271
  9. 9.
    0585998 - FZÚ DATA Scientific data      2024
    Zhukov, Vladimir - Bulgakova, Nadezhda M.

    Dataset for Volumetric Modification of Transparent Materials with Two-Color Laser Irradiation: Insight from Numerical Modeling.

    Description: The dataset contains the original data of numerical calculations for the manuscript submitted to the journal Materials:
    Authors: Vladimir P. Zhukov and Nadewzhda M. Bulgakova
    Title: Volumetric Modification of Transparent Materials with Two-Color Laser Irradiation: Insight from Numerical Modeling
    Submission date: February 18, 2024
    The detailed description of each file in the format *.dat is given in the txt-file ReadMe.
    The data were used to produce figures presented in the manuscript.

    Keywords : ultrashort laser pulses * material modification * bi-color irradiation * laser energy coupling * numerical simulations * Maxwell’s equations
    OECD category: Materials engineering
    Depositor: admin
    Date of release: 21.5.2024
    ASEP publication:
    Volumetric modification of transparent materials with two-color laser irradiation: insight from numerical modeling

         License: CC BY 4.0 - Attribution-International license
    File DownloadSizeCommentaryAccess
    Data for arxiv_Materials File list7216.1 KBopen-access
    R&D Projects: GA MŠMT(CZ) EH22_008/0004596
    Institutional support: RVO:68378271
  10. 10.
    0585608 - FZÚ DATA Scientific data      2024
    Correa, Cinthia Antunes - Chevalier, Joris More - Hruška, Petr - Poupon, Morgane - Novotný, Michal - Minárik, P. - Hubík, Pavel - Lukáč, František - Fekete, Ladislav - Prokop, Dejan - Hanuš, J. - Valenta, J. - Fitl, Přemysl - Lančok, Ján

    Dataset for Microstructure and physical properties of black aluminum antireflective films.

    Description: The files are related to the manuscript „Microstructure and physical properties of Black-Aluminum antireflective films“ and are organized in the sequence of appearance in the manuscript. The nomenclature of the files follows the sequence:
    Figure, number of the figure appearing in the manuscript (from 1 – 7), type of data (XRD, AFM, TEM, EDX, PALS, Reflectance, Carrier concentration, Electrical mobility, or resistivity), thin film sample related to (R-Al or B-Al), film thickness (60, 180, 250, 320, or 410 nm).
    TEM image files are raw, as collected, while the ones in the manuscript were cropped to show the differences between the films.

    Keywords : powder x-ray diffraction * atomic force microscopy * transmission electron microscopy * energy dispersive x-ray analysis * positron annihilation spectroscopy * reflectivity, resistivity * hall measurements
    OECD category: Condensed matter physics (including formerly solid state physics, supercond.)
    Depositor: admin
    Date of release: 2.5.2024
    ASEP publication:
    Microstructure and physical properties of black-aluminum antireflective films

         License: CC BY 4.0 - Attribution-International license
    File DownloadSizeCommentaryAccess File list847.5 MBopen-access
    R&D Projects: GA ČR GA23-05002S; GA MŠMT(CZ) EH22_008/0004596; GA MŠMT LM2023051
    Institutional support: RVO:68378271Institutional support: RVO:61389021

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