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  1. 1.
    0538618 - OÚ 2021 CZ eng G - Proceedings (international conference)
    Mlynářová, J. (ed.) - Kilani, M. (ed.) - Alivernini, Sergio (ed.)
    A Stranger of the House - the Crossroads III.
    Prague: Charles University, Faculty of Arts, 2019. 435 s. ISBN 978-80-7308-928-3.
    [The Crossroads III. A Stranger in the House – Foreigners in Ancient Egyptian and Near Eastern Societies of the Bronze Age. Prague (CZ), 10.09.2018-13.09.2018]
    Institutional support: RVO:68378009
    Keywords : emigration and immigration * immigrants * aliens * social structure * social mobility * bronze age * ancient Egypt * Middle East
    OECD category: History (history of science and technology to be 6.3, history of specific sciences to be under the respective headings)
    Permanent Link:

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