Search results

  1. 1.
    0584102 - ÚFP 2024 RIV NL eng J - Journal Article
    Corre, Y. - Aumeunier, M.-H. - Durif, A. - Gaspar, J. - Krieger, K. - Loewenhoff, Th. - Richou, M. - Ratynskaia, S. - Tichit, Q. - Anquetin, Y. - Dejarnac, Renaud - Diez, M. - Dubus, L. - Firdaouss, M. - Gerardin, J. - Grosjean, A. - Gunn, J. P. - Loarer, T. - Maget, P. - Martin, C. - Paschalidis, K. - Tsitrone, E. - Wirtz, M.
    Testing of ITER-grade plasma facing units in the WEST tokamak: Progress in understanding heat loading and damage mechanisms.
    Nuclear Materials and Energy. Roč. 37, December (2023), č. článku 101546. E-ISSN 2352-1791
    EU Projects: European Commission(BE) 101052200
    Institutional support: RVO:61389021
    Keywords : Heat flux calculation * IR thermography * Melting * Plasma Facing Unit * Tungsten cracking
    OECD category: Fluids and plasma physics (including surface physics)
    Impact factor: 2.6, year: 2022
    Method of publishing: Open access
    Permanent Link:
  2. 2.
    0552292 - ÚFP 2022 RIV SE eng J - Journal Article
    Corre, Y. - Grosjean, A. - Gunn, J. P. - Krieger, K. - Ratynskaia, S. - Skalli-Fettachi, O. - Bourdelle, C. - Brezinsek, S. - Bruno, V. - Chanet, N. - Coenen, J. - Courtois, X. - Dejarnac, Renaud - Delmas, E. - Delpech, L. - Desgranges, C. - Diez, M. - Dubus, G. - Durif, A. - Ekedahl, A. - Fedorczak, N. - Firdaouss, M. - Gardarein, J.-L. - Gaspar, J. - Gerardin, Jonathan - Guillemaut, C. - Houry, M. - Loarer, T. - Maget, P. - Mandelbaum, P. - Mitteau, R. - Missirlian, M. - Moreau, P. - Nouailletas, R. - Nardon, E. - Pocheau, C. - Podolnik, A. - Reilhac, P. - Regal-Mezin, X. - Reux, C. - Richou, M. - Rigollet, F. - Schwob, J. - Thorén, E. - Tolias, P. - Tsitrone, E.
    Sustained W-melting experiments on actively cooled ITER-like plasma facing unit in WEST.
    Physica Scripta. Roč. 96, č. 12 (2021), č. článku 124057. ISSN 0031-8949. E-ISSN 1402-4896
    EU Projects: European Commission(XE) 633053 - EUROfusion
    Institutional support: RVO:61389021
    Keywords : Heat flux calculation * Ir thermography * Plasma facing unit * Tungsten melting
    OECD category: Fluids and plasma physics (including surface physics)
    Impact factor: 3.081, year: 2021
    Method of publishing: Limited access
    Permanent Link:
  3. 3.
    0500454 - ÚFP 2019 RIV AT eng J - Journal Article
    Artaud, J.F. - Imbeaux, F. - Garcia, J. - Giruzzi, G. - Aniel, T. - Basiuk, V. - Bécoulet, A. - Bourdelle, C. - Buravand, Y. - Decker, J. - Dumont, R. - Eriksson, L.G. - Garbet, X. - Guirlet, R. - Hoang, G.T. - Huynh, P. - Joffrin, E. - Litaudon, X. - Maget, P. - Moreau, D. - Nouailletas, R. - Pégourié, B. - Peysson, Y. - Schneider, M. - Urban, Jakub
    Metis: A fast integrated tokamak modelling tool for scenario design.
    Nuclear Fusion. Roč. 58, č. 10 (2018), č. článku 105001. ISSN 0029-5515. E-ISSN 1741-4326
    R&D Projects: GA ČR(CZ) GA16-24724S; GA MŠMT(CZ) 8D15001; GA MŠMT(CZ) LM2015045
    Institutional support: RVO:61389021
    Keywords : analyses * control * modeling * prediction * scenario * tokamak * transport
    OECD category: Fluids and plasma physics (including surface physics)
    Impact factor: 3.516, year: 2018
    Permanent Link:
  4. 4.
    0420778 - ÚFP 2014 RIV AT eng J - Journal Article
    Parail, V. - Albanese, R. - Ambrosino, R. - Artaud, J.F. - Besseghir, K. - Cavinato, M. - Corrigan, G. - Garcia, J. - Garzotti, L. - Gribov, Y. - Imbeaux, F. - Koechl, F. - Labate, C.V. - Lister, J. - Litaudon, X. - Loarte, A. - Maget, P. - Mattei, M. - McDonald, D. - Nardon, E. - Saibene, G. - Sartori, R. - Urban, Jakub
    Self-consistent simulation of plasma scenarios for ITER using a combination of 1.5D transport codes and free-boundary equilibrium codes.
    Nuclear Fusion. Roč. 53, č. 11 (2013), s. 113002-113002. ISSN 0029-5515. E-ISSN 1741-4326
    Institutional support: RVO:61389021
    Keywords : operation * regimes * model * JET * ITER * plasma
    Subject RIV: BL - Plasma and Gas Discharge Physics
    Impact factor: 3.243, year: 2013
    Permanent Link:
  5. 5.
    0398490 - ÚFP 2014 RIV AT eng J - Journal Article
    Bécoulet, A. - Hoang, G.T. - Abiteboul, J. - Achard, J. - Alarcon, T. - Alba-Duran, J. - Allegretti, L. - Allfrey, S. - Amiel, S. - Ané, J.M. - Aniel, T. - Antar, G. - Argouarch, A. - Armitano, A. - Arnaud, J. - Arranger, D. - Artaud, J.F. - Audisio, D. - Aumeunier, M. - Autissier, E. - Azcona, L. - Back, A. - Bahat, A. - Bai, X. - Baiocchi, B. - Balaguer, D. - Balme, S. - Balorin, C. - Barana, O. - Barbier, D. - Barbuti, A. - Basiuk, V. - Baulaigue, O. - Bayetti, P. - Baylard, B. - Beaufils, S. - Beaute, A. - Bécoulet, M. - Bej, Z. - Benkadda, S. - Benoit, F. - Berger-By, G. - Bernard, J.M. - Berne, A. - Bertrand, B. - Bertrand, E. - Beyer, P. - Bigand, A. - Bonhomme, G. - Borel, G. - Boron, A. - Bottereau, C. - Bottollier-Curtet, H. - Bouchand, C. - Bouquey, F. - Bourdelle, C. - Bourg, J. - Bourmaud, S. - Brémond, S. - Bribiesca Argomedo, F. - Brieu, M. - Brun, C. - Bruno, V. - Bucalossi, J. - Bufferand, H. - Buravand, Y. - Cai, L. - Cantone, V. - Cantone, B. - Caprin, E. - Cartier-Michaud, T. - Castagliolo, A. - Belo, J. - Catherine-Dumont, V. - Caulier, G. - Chaix, J. - Chantant, M. - Chatenet, M. - Chauvin, D. - Chenevois, J. - Chouli, B. - Christin, L. - Ciazynski, D. - Ciraolo, G. - Clairet, F. - Clapier, R. - Cloez, H. - Coatanea-Gouachet, M. - Colas, L. - Colledani, G. - Commin, L. - Coquillat, P. - Corbel, E. - Corre, Y. - Cottet, J. - Cottier, P. - Courtois, X. - Crest, I. - Dachicourt, R. - Dapena Febrer, M. - Daumas, C. - de Esch, H.P.L. - De Gentile, B. - Dechelle, C. - Decker, J. - Decool, P. - Deghaye, V. - Delaplanche, J. - Delchambre-Demoncheaux, E. - Delpech, L. - Desgranges, C. - Devynck, P. - Dias Pereira Bernardo, J. - Dif-Pradalier, G. - Doceul, L. - Dong, Y. - Douai, D. - Dougnac, H. - Dubuit, N. - Duchateau, J.-L. - Ducobu, L. - Dugue, B. - Dumas, N. - Dumont, R. - Durocher, A. - Durocher, A. - Duthoit, F. - Ekedahl, A. - Elbeze, D. - Escarguel, A. - Escop, J. - Fäisse, F. - Falchetto, G. - Farjon, J. - Faury, M. - Fedorzack, N. - Féjoz, P. - Fenzi, C. - Ferlay, F. - Fiet, P. - Firdaouss, M. - Francisquez, M. - Franel, B. - Frauche, J. - Frauel, Y. - Futtersack, R. - Garbet, X. - Garcia, J. - Gardarein, J. - Gargiulo, L. - Garibaldi, P. - Garin, P. - Garnier, D. - Gauthier, E. - Gaye, O. - Geraud, A. - Gerome, M. - Gervaise, V. - Geynet, M. - Ghendrih, P. - Giacalone, I. - Gibert, S. - Gil, C. - Ginoux, S. - Giovannangelo, L. - Girard, S. - Giruzzi, G. - Goletto, C. - Goncalves, R. - Gonde, R. - Goniche, M. - Goswami, R. - Grand, C. - Grandgirard, V. - Gravil, B. - Grisolia, C. - Gros, G. - Grosman, A. - Guigue, J. - Guilhem, D. - Guillemaut, C. - Guillerminet, B. - Guimaraes Filho, Z. - Guirlet, R. - Gunn, J. P. - Gurcan, O. - Guzman, F. - Hacquin, S. - Hariri, F. - Hasenbeck, F. - Hatchressian, J.C. - Hennequin, P. - Hernandez, C. - Hertout, P. - Heuraux, S. - Hillairet, J. - Honore, C. - Hornung, G. - Houry, M. - Hunstad, I. - Hutter, T. - Huynh, P. - Icard, V. - Imbeaux, F. - Irishkin, M. - Isoardi, L. - Jacquinot, J. - Jacquot, J. - Jiolat, G. - Joanny, M. - Joffrin, E. - Johner, E. - Joubert, P. - Jourd’Heuil, L. - Jouve, M. - Junique, C. - Keller, D. - Klepper, C. - Kogut, M. - Kubič, M. - Labassé, F. - Lacroix, B. - Lallier, Y. - Lamaison, V. - Lambert, R. - Larroque, S. - Latu, G. - Lausenaz, Y. - Laviron, C. - Le, R. - Le Luyer, A. - Le Niliot, C. - Le Tonqueze, Y. - Lebourg, P. - Lefevre, T. - Leroux, F. - Letellier, L. - Li, Y. - Lipa, M. - Lister, J. - Litaudon, X. - Liu, F. - Loarer, T. - Lombard, G. - Lotte, P. - Lozano, M. - Lucas, J. - Lütjens, H. - Magaud, P. - Maget, P. - Magne, R. - Mahieu, J.-F. - Maini, P. - Malard, P. - Manenc, L. - Marandet, Y. - Marbach, G. - Marechal, J.-L. - Marfisi, L. - Marle, M. - Martin, C. - Martin, V. - Martin, G. - Martinez, A. - Martino, P. - Masset, R. - Mazon, D. - Mellet, N. - Mercadier, L. - Merle, A. - Meshcheriakov, D. - Messina, P. - Meyer, O. - Millon, L. - Missirlian, M. - Moerel, J. - Molina, D. - Mollard, P. - Moncada, V. - Monier-Garbet, P. - Moreau, D. - Moreau, M. - Moreau, P. - Morel, P. - Moriyama, T. - Motassim, Y. - Mougeolle, G. - Moulton, D. - Moureau, G. - Mouyon, D. - Naim Habib, M. - Nardon, E. - Négrier, V. - Nemeth, J. - Nguyen, C. - Nguyen, M. - Nicolas, L. - Nicolas, T. - Nicollet, S. - Nilsson, E. - N’Konga, B. - Noel, F. - Nooman, A. - Norscini, C. - Nouailletas, R. - Oddon, P. - Ohsako, T. - Orain, F. - Ottaviani, M. - Pagano, M. - Palermo, F. - Panayotis, S. - Parrat, H. - Pascal, J.-Y. - Passeron, C. - Pastor, P. - Patterlini, J. - Pavy, K. - Pecquet, A.-L. - Pégourié, B. - Peinturier, C. - Pelletier, T. - Peluso, B. - Petržílka, Václav - Peysson, Y. - Pignoly, E. - Pirola, R. - Pocheau, C. - Poitevin, E. - Poli, V. - Poli, S. - Pompon, F. - Porchy, I. - Portafaix, C. - Preynas, M. - Prochet, P. - Prou, M. - Ratnani, A. - Raulin, D. - Ravenel, N. - Renard, S. - Ricaud, B. - Richou, M. - Ritz, G. - Roche, H. - Roubin, P. - Roux, C. - Ruiz, K. - Sabathier, F. - Sabot, R. - Saille, A. - Saint-Laurent, F. - Sakamoto, R. - Salasca, S. - Salmon, T. - Salmon, T. - Samaille, F. - Sanchez, S. - Santagiustina, A. - Saoutic, B. - Sarazin, Y. - Sardain, P. - Schlosser, J. - Schneider, M. - Schwob, J. - Segui, J. - Seguin, N. - Selig, G. - Serret, D. - Signoret, J. - Signoret, J. - Simonin, A. - Soldaini, M. - Soler, B. - Soltane, C. - Song, S. - Sourbier, F. - Sparagna, J. - Spitz, P. - Spuig, P. - Storelli, A. - Strugarek, A. - Tamain, P. - Tena, M. - Theis, J. - Thomine, O. - Thouvenin, D. - Torre, A. - Toulouse, L. - Travere, J. - Tsitrone, E. - Turck, B. - Urban, J. - Vallet, J.-C. - Vallory, J. - Valognes, A. - Van Helvoirt, J. - Vartanian, S. - Verger, J.-M. - Vermare, L. - Vermare, C. - Vezinet, D. - Vicente, K. - Vidal, J. - Vignal, N. - Vigne, T. - Villecroze, F. - Villedieu, E. - Vincent, B. - Volpe, B. - Volpe, D. - Volpe, R. - Wagrez, J. - Wang, H. - Wauters, T. - Wintersdorff, O. - Wittebol, E. - Zago, B. - Zani, L. - Zarzoso, D. - Zhang, Y. - Zhong, W. - Zou, X.L.
    Science and technology research and development in support to ITER and the Broader Approach at CEA.
    Nuclear Fusion. Roč. 53, č. 10 (2013), s. 104023-104023. ISSN 0029-5515. E-ISSN 1741-4326
    Institutional support: RVO:61389021
    Keywords : ITER * Tore Supra * system * plasma
    Subject RIV: BL - Plasma and Gas Discharge Physics
    Impact factor: 3.243, year: 2013
    Permanent Link:
  6. 6.
    0376782 - ÚFP 2013 RIV AT eng J - Journal Article
    Bécoulet, M. - Orain, F. - Maget, P. - Mellet, N. - Garbet, X. - Nardon, E. - Huysmans, G.T.A. - Casper, T. - Loarte, A. - Cahyna, Pavel - Smolyakov, A. - Waelbroeck, F.L. - Schaffer, M. - Evans, T. - Liang, Y. - Schmitz, O. - Beurskens, M. - Rozhansky, V. - Kaveeva, E.
    Screening of resonant magnetic perturbations by flows in tokamaks.
    Nuclear Fusion. Roč. 52, č. 5 (2012), s. 054003. ISSN 0029-5515. E-ISSN 1741-4326.
    [Workshop on Stochasticity in Fusion Plasmas/5./. Jülich, 11.04.2011-14.04.2011]
    R&D Projects: GA ČR GAP205/11/2341
    Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z20430508
    Keywords : tokamak * resonant magnetic perturbation * magnetohydrodynamics * ELM control
    Subject RIV: BL - Plasma and Gas Discharge Physics
    Impact factor: 2.734, year: 2012
    Permanent Link:

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