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  1. 1.
    0145208 - GLU-S 20013159 RIV NL eng C - Conference Paper (international conference)
    Novák, Jiří Karel - Pivec, Edvín
    Greisenization of lamprophyres in the Krupka Sn-W district in the eastern Krušné hory/Erzgebirge, Czech Republic.
    Mineral Deposits at the Beginning of the 21 Century.Proceedings of the Joint Sixt Biennial SGA-SEG Meeting. Rotterdam: Balkema, 2001 - (Piestrzyňski, A.), s. 465-468. ISBN 90-2651-846-3.
    [Mineral Deposits at the Beginning of the 21 Century, Joint Biennial SGA-SEG Meeting /6./. Kraków (PL), 26.08.2001-29.08.2001]
    Institutional research plan: CEZ:AV0Z3013912
    Keywords : Variscan lamprophyres * greisenization * Krušné hory Mts.
    Subject RIV: DB - Geology ; Mineralogy
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  2. 2.
    0144752 - GLU-S 980022 RIV NL eng C - Conference Paper (international conference)
    Štemprok, M. - Chlupáčová, M. - Pivec, Edvín - Novák, Jiří Karel - Lang, Miloš
    Petrochemical and petrophysical changes caused by greisenization in the younger granites of the Krušné hory batholith (Czech Republic).
    Mineral Deposits: Research and Exploration Where do They Meet? Rotterdam/Brookfield: A. A. Balkema, 1997 - (Papunen, H.), s. 679-682. ISBN 90 5410 889 4.
    [Biennal SGA Meeting /4./. Turku (FI), 11.08.1997-13.08.1997]
    R&D Projects: GA ČR GA205/95/0149
    Subject RIV: DB - Geology ; Mineralogy
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  3. 3.
    0144349 - GLU-S 970140 RIV CZ eng C - Conference Paper (international conference)
    Štemprok, M. - Chlupáčová, M. - Pivec, Edvín - Novák, Jiří Karel - Lang, Miloš
    Petrochemical and petrophysical changes caused by greisenization in the younger granites of the Krušné hory batholith (Czech Republic).
    Mineral Deposits: Research and Exploration. Where do They Meet? Proceedings of the 4th biennal SGA Meeting. NL: Balkema, 1997 - (Papunen, H.), s. 679-682. ISBN 90-5410-889-4.
    [Biennal SGA Meeting /4./. Turku (FI), 11.08.1997-13.08.1997]
    R&D Projects: GA ČR GA205/95/0149
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  4. 4.
    0144242 - GLU-S 970029 RIV HU eng C - Conference Paper (international conference)
    Ulrych, Jaromír - Pivec, Edvín
    The Podhorní Vrch Hill volcano in Western Bohemia: geochemical constrains.
    Magmatic events in rifted basins. Budapest: Eötvös Loránd University, 1996, s. -.
    [Magmatic events in rifted basins. Budapest, Mecsek, Bükk (HU), 14.07.1996-21.07.1996]
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  5. 5.
    0144190 - GLU-S 960172 RIV PL eng C - Conference Paper (international conference)
    Patočka, František - Bendl, J. - Pivec, Edvín
    Early Ordovician rifting in the central West Sudetes (Bohemian Massif): Rb-Sr isotope geochemistry of the metavolcanics of the Rýchory Mts. Complex.
    Polskie Towarzystwo Mineralogiczne - Prace Specjalne. Krakow: Polskie Towarzystwo Mineralogiczne, 1996, s. 88-93.
    [Sesja Sekcji Petrologii Polskiego Towarzystwa Mineralogicznego /3./. Lubawka (PL), 18.10.1996-20.10.1996]
    R&D Projects: GA AV ČR IAA3013610
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  6. 6.
    0143861 - GLU-S 950143 RIV CZ cze C - Conference Paper (international conference)
    Lang, Miloš - Pivec, Edvín
    Přibyslavický peraluminiový granit - geochemická anomálie fosforu v Českém masívu.
    Sborník přednášek "Geochemie a životní prostředí". Kostelec nad Černými Lesy: Ústav aplikované ekologie VŠZ, 1994, s. 31-34.
    [Geochemie a životní prostředí. Kostelec nad Černými Lesy (CZ), 10.09.1990-11.09.1990]
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  7. 7.
    0143831 - GLU-S 950045 RIV PL eng C - Conference Paper (international conference)
    Patočka, František - Pivec, Edvín - Oliveriová, Dana
    The mafic blueschists from the Rýchory Mts. crystalline complex (Western Sudetes, Bohemian Massif): metamorphic development and possible protolith composition.
    Igneous activity and metamorphic evolution of the Sudetes area. Wroclaw: Unywersytet Wroclawski, 1994 - (Kryza, R.), s. 87-90
    [Igneous activity and metamorphic evolution of the Sudetes area. Wroclaw (PL), 12.05.1994-15.05.1994]
    R&D Projects: GA ČR GA205/93/0341
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  8. 8.
    0143683 - GLU-S 950162 RIV DB eng C - Conference Paper (international conference)
    Pivec, Edvín - Šrein, Vladimír - Ulrych, J. - Bendl, J. - Dobeš, P. - Žák, K.
    Tertiary Pb-Zn-Cu (Ag, Te) mineralization in the Roztoky volcanic centre, Bohemian Massif, Czech Republic: A genetic model.
    Metallogeny of Collisional Orogens of the Hercynian type. Potsdam: GeoForschungsZentrum, 1993, s. 113.
    [Metallogeny of Collisional Orogens of the Hercynian type. Potsdam (DB), 04.06.1993-06.06.1993]
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  9. 9.
    0143682 - GLU-S 950161 RIV CZ cze C - Conference Paper (international conference)
    Ulrych, J. - Blechová, M. - Pivec, Edvín
    Projevy kontaktní metamorfózy v aureole subvulkanické intruze monzodioritu v Roztokách nad Labem.
    Geochemie a životní prostředí. Praha: Přírodovědecká fakulta UK Praha, Geologický ústav AV ČR, VŠZ Kostelec nad Černými Lesy, MŽP Praha, 1993, s. 68-69.
    [Seminář (5.). Praha (CZ), 28.09.1993-30.09.1993]
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