Search results

  1. 1.
    0143751 - GLU-S 950361 RIV DB eng C - Conference Paper (international conference)
    Pertoldová, J. - Fiala, Jiří - Pudilová, M. - Punčochář, M. - Scharmová, M. - Sztacho, P.
    Au-W mineralization of the Kašperské Hory Ore district, SW Bohemia, Czechoslovakia.
    Proceedings of the Eight Quadrennial IAGOD Symposium 1990. Stuttgart: Schweizerbart, 1993, s. 627-636.
    [Quadrennial IAGOD Symposium 1990 (8.). Otawa (CA), 26.07.1990-29.07.1990]
    Permanent Link:
  2. 2.
    0028617 - GLÚ 2006 DE eng C - Conference Paper (international conference)
    Drahota, Petr - Pertold, Z. - Pudilová, M.
    Genesis of Regionally Metamorphosed Skarns from the Bohemian Massif: Contact Metasomatic vs. Sedimentary-Exhalative.
    [Vznik regionálně metamorfovaných skarnů v Českém Masívu: kontaktně metasomatický vs. sedimentárně exhalační.]
    Mineral Deposit Research: Meeting the Global Challenge : Proceedings of the Eighth Biennial SGA Meeting, Beijing, China, 18 - 21 August 2005. Berlin: Springer, 2005 - (Mao, J.; Bierlein, F.), s. 377-380. ISBN 3-540-27945-8.
    [Mineral Deposit research: Meeting the Global Challenge. Biennial SGA Meeting /8./. Beijing (CN), 18.08.2005-21.08.2005]
    Keywords : skarn * geothermobarometry * oxygen isotopes * metamorphism
    Subject RIV: DD - Geochemistry
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