Search results

  1. 1.
    0207323 - USMH-B 990106 RIV CZ eng C - Conference Paper (international conference)
    Schenk, Vladimír - Schenková, Zdeňka - Kottnauer, Pavel - Guterch, B. - Labák, P.
    Earthquake Hazard for the Czech Republic, Poland and Slovakia. Contribution to the ILC/IASPEI Global Seismic Hazard Assessment Program.
    Proceedings "Current Trends in Seismology and Engineering Geophysics". Ostrava: Institute of Geonics, 1998 - (Kaláb, Z.), s. 121-125. ISBN 80-901850-7-x.
    [Regional Conference with International Participation "Current Trends in Seismology and Enginnering Geophysics". Ostrava (CZ), 21.04.1998-22.04.1998]
    Grant - others:IASPEI/ILC(XX) Project "Global Seismic Hazard Assessment Program"
    Subject RIV: DC - Siesmology, Volcanology, Earth Structure
    Permanent Link:
  2. 2.
    0207006 - USMH-B 970121 RIV CZ eng C - Conference Paper (international conference)
    Schenk, Vladimír - Schenková, Zdeňka - Kottnauer, Pavel - Guterch, B. - Labák, P.
    Third Level Seismographical Regionalisation of the Czech Republic, Poland and Slovakia.
    Proceedings Data Analysis in Seismology and Engineering Geophysics. Vol. 1. Ostrava: Institute of Geonics, 1996 - (Kaláb, Z.), s. 15-21. ISBN 80-901850-3-7.
    [Data Analysis in Seismology and Engineering Geophysics. Ostrava (CZ), 08.10.1996]
    Grant - others:IASPEI/ILP(CZ) Project "Third Level Tegionalisation"
    Permanent Link:

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