Rules of Repository
The rules for storage
- What is an Institutional Repository of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic?
- Who can put the fulltext into IR ASCR?
- What fulltexts are stored in the IR ASCR?
- What is the methodology for data storage?
- How do I know that fulltext is stored with the record?
- Under what conditions can I get the fulltext?
- What are the rules for further handling with downloaded fulltexts?
What is an Institutional Repository of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic?
An Institutional Repository of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (IR ASCR) is used to archive the published results of research workers of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (ASCR). For building the repository system was used bibliographic database ASEP / ARL, which is a database of the results of fundamental research in the ASCR . The repository was created in 2012 as an extension of ASEP bibliographic database in which the bibliographic records are stored since 1993. To each bibliographic record in this database is possible to add fulltext.
Who can put the fulltext into IR ASCR?
- The responsible persons (depositors) are then trained and methodically controlled by staff of Library of the ASCR, v. v. i.
- Authors can store their fulltexts of bibliographic records with the consent of the depositors.
What fulltexts are stored in the IR ASCR?
Institutional Repository ASCR is used to archive published works of scientists of the ASCR (an employee works).
An employee work is: “a work created by the author in fulfilling his duties arising from the employment contract with the employer”. According to the present Copyright Act (Article 58 of Act No. 121/2000 Coll., on Copyright and Rights Related to Copyright and on Amendment to Certain Acts (the Copyright Act), as subsequently amended - hereinafter reffered to as "Copyright Act") an employer exercises in his own name and on his own account an author’s economic rights to an employee work, unless agreed otherwise. An author’s moral rights to an employee work shall remain unaffected. Where an employer exercises economic rights to an employee work it shall be deemed that an author has given his consent to a work is being made public, altered, adapted (including translation), combined with another work, included into a collection of works and, unless agreed otherwise, also presented to public under an employer’s name.
What is the methodology for data storage?
Methodological support for storing fulltext provides Library of the ASCR, v. v. i. Methodical instructions for depositors and researchers, who have created an account „myASEP“ will be provided by institutional data administrators.
How do I know that fulltext is stored with the record?
Attached fulltext is published in the online catalog of the IR ASCR.
For each fulltext displays information about its availability, file size, number of downloads and versions.
Under what conditions can I get the fulltext?
There are four options for storing fulltexts in IR ASCR.
Open access – fulltext of the work is accessible to all users of the IR ASCR (access allowed).
Open access with embargo – fulltext of the work will be accessible to all users after a certain period of time. By this time it is on request.
Open access for an institute – fulltext of a work is accessible to employees of an institute where a work was created. For other users it is on request.
Restricted access – a work is accessible only to a responsible person of an institute (a depositor) and for an author who places fulltext in the IR ASCR. For other users it is on request.
What are the rules for further handling with downloaded fulltexts?
Works deposited in IR ASCR are protected by the Act No. 121/2000 Coll., on Copyright and Rights Related to Copyright and on Amendment to Certain Acts (the Copyright Act), as subsequently amended (hereinafter reffered to as "Copyright Act").
Users are entitled to use this work only for his/her personal needs without seeking to achieve direct or indirect economic benefit.
Users are entitled to use this work in accordance with the license pursuant to § 31 of Act No. 121 / 2000 Coll., on Rights Related to Copyright and on Amendment to Certain Acts (the Copyright Act), with a mandatory indication of the name of the author, the title and source of the work.
Article 31 of Copyright act allows:
- to use to a justified extent excerpts from works of other authors In his own work;
- to use excerpts from a work, or small works in their entirety, for the purposes of critique or review related to such a work and for the purposes of scientific or technical work and such use being made to the extent complying with fair practices and required by the specific purpose;
- to use the work while teaching for illustration purposes or during scientific research, without seeking to achieve direct or indirect economic or commercial advantage and without exceeding the extent adequate to the given purpose.
The user may use the work only if the use of a work does not conflict with the normal exploitation of the work and does not unreasonably prejudice the legitimate interests of the author.
Another use of a work requires previous permission of the rightholder (the author or other rightholder).