0426457 - ÚFA 2014 RIV AR eng O - Others
Burešová, Dalia - Mosert, M. E. - Chum, Jaroslav - Baše, Jiří - Hruška, František - Laštovička, Jan - Cabrera, M. A. - Ise, J. E. - Cangemi, J. I. - Ezquer, R. G. - Bilbao, J. D. - Miranda Bonomi, F. - Molina, M. G. - Scidá, L. A. - Levato, H.
Doppler experiment deployed under the South crest of the EA to study magnetosphre-ionosphere-troposphere coupling and its impact on ionospheric variability.
R&D Projects: GA MŠMT 7AMB12AR018
Keywords : Doppler * ionosphere * gravity waves * variability
Subject RIV: DG - Athmosphere Sciences, Meteorology
Result website:
Permanent Link: http://hdl.handle.net/11104/0232195
Burešová, Dalia - Mosert, M. E. - Chum, Jaroslav - Baše, Jiří - Hruška, František - Laštovička, Jan - Cabrera, M. A. - Ise, J. E. - Cangemi, J. I. - Ezquer, R. G. - Bilbao, J. D. - Miranda Bonomi, F. - Molina, M. G. - Scidá, L. A. - Levato, H.
Doppler experiment deployed under the South crest of the EA to study magnetosphre-ionosphere-troposphere coupling and its impact on ionospheric variability.
R&D Projects: GA MŠMT 7AMB12AR018
Keywords : Doppler * ionosphere * gravity waves * variability
Subject RIV: DG - Athmosphere Sciences, Meteorology
Result website:
Permanent Link: http://hdl.handle.net/11104/0232195