0557709 - ÚVGZ 2023 RIV NL eng J - Journal Article
Trnka, Miroslav - Vizina, Adam - Hanel, Martin - Balek, Jan - Fischer, Milan - Hlavinka, Petr - Semerádová, Daniela - Štěpánek, Petr - Zahradníček, Pavel - Skalák, Petr - Eitzinger, J. - Dubrovský, Martin - Máca, P. - Bělínová, Monika - Zeman, Evžen - Brázdil, Rudolf
Increasing available water capacity as a factor for increasing drought resilience or potential conflict over water resources under present and future climate conditions.
Agricultural Water Management. Roč. 264, APR (2022), č. článku 107460. ISSN 0378-3774. E-ISSN 1873-2283
R&D Projects: GA MŠMT(CZ) EF16_019/0000797
Institutional support: RVO:86652079
Keywords : soil-moisture * agricultural drought * hydrological droughts * holding capacity * change impacts * land-use * europe * precipitation * vulnerability * model * Handling Editor * Dr * b * e * Clothier * Agricultural drought * Hydrological drought * Climate models * Available water capacity * Soil water retention * Climate change
OECD category: Water resources
Impact factor: 6.7, year: 2022 ; AIS: 0.866, rok: 2022
Method of publishing: Limited access
Result website:
https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0378377422000075?via%3DihubDOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agwat.2022.107460
Permanent Link: http://hdl.handle.net/11104/0331623
Trnka, Miroslav - Vizina, Adam - Hanel, Martin - Balek, Jan - Fischer, Milan - Hlavinka, Petr - Semerádová, Daniela - Štěpánek, Petr - Zahradníček, Pavel - Skalák, Petr - Eitzinger, J. - Dubrovský, Martin - Máca, P. - Bělínová, Monika - Zeman, Evžen - Brázdil, Rudolf
Increasing available water capacity as a factor for increasing drought resilience or potential conflict over water resources under present and future climate conditions.
Agricultural Water Management. Roč. 264, APR (2022), č. článku 107460. ISSN 0378-3774. E-ISSN 1873-2283
R&D Projects: GA MŠMT(CZ) EF16_019/0000797
Institutional support: RVO:86652079
Keywords : soil-moisture * agricultural drought * hydrological droughts * holding capacity * change impacts * land-use * europe * precipitation * vulnerability * model * Handling Editor * Dr * b * e * Clothier * Agricultural drought * Hydrological drought * Climate models * Available water capacity * Soil water retention * Climate change
OECD category: Water resources
Impact factor: 6.7, year: 2022 ; AIS: 0.866, rok: 2022
Method of publishing: Limited access
Result website:
https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0378377422000075?via%3DihubDOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agwat.2022.107460
Permanent Link: http://hdl.handle.net/11104/0331623