0405182 - UIVT-O 20030150 RIV CH eng C - Conference Paper (international conference)
Húsek, Dušan - Frolov, A. A. - Muraviev, I. - Řezanková, H. - Snášel, V. - Polyakov, P.Y.
Binary Factorization by Neural Autoassociators.
Artificial Intelligence and Applications. Zürich: ACTA Press, 2003 - (Hamza, M.), s. 649-653. ISBN 0-88986-390-3. ISSN 1482-7913.
[IASTED International Conference /3./. Benalmadena (ES), 08.09.2003-10.09.2003]
R&D Projects: GA MŠMT LN00B096
Keywords : Boolean factorization * recurrent neural networks * single-step approximation
Subject RIV: BD - Theory of Information
Permanent Link: http://hdl.handle.net/11104/0125380
Húsek, Dušan - Frolov, A. A. - Muraviev, I. - Řezanková, H. - Snášel, V. - Polyakov, P.Y.
Binary Factorization by Neural Autoassociators.
Artificial Intelligence and Applications. Zürich: ACTA Press, 2003 - (Hamza, M.), s. 649-653. ISBN 0-88986-390-3. ISSN 1482-7913.
[IASTED International Conference /3./. Benalmadena (ES), 08.09.2003-10.09.2003]
R&D Projects: GA MŠMT LN00B096
Keywords : Boolean factorization * recurrent neural networks * single-step approximation
Subject RIV: BD - Theory of Information
Permanent Link: http://hdl.handle.net/11104/0125380